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"Yeah, a vote! That's a pretty good idea!" Nate exclaimed. Alina scoffed.

"But seriously, let's vote," Emily said coldly. The way her cousin spoke, it sent a shiver down Alina's spine.

Alina never really spoke much around her cousins. Alina knew well that Emily and Sarah didn't really have any friends, they spent too much time practicing their magic to socialize. Emily and Sarah were each other's best friends. But Alina had a life beyond magic. She had friends, she went to parties, she had fun! Her cousins took life way too seriously.

"Yeah, sure, ok, vote to determine my fate," Nate said sarcastically. Emily reared up to punch him again before Alina held her back.

"Let's vote," Alina said. Emily nodded. Nate spoke up.

"Before you vote, wait a second," he said. Emily sighed.

"Ok, so, I'm a maj-wizard, but I have this thing where I can only use magic if I steal it from someone else," he said. Emily coughed under her breath.

"Yeah, I figured," Emily said.

"But I don't want to steal your power." Emily stopped talking.

"Look, Emily, isn't it, I'm sorry I took your power that one day. And when I did I felt so bad I brought you home. How do you think I got in, I just broke the window? Your parent know I'm here. And I know this is a sucky apology but-" Emily cut him off.

"No, I assumed. I owe you the apology," she said, walking over to Nate. She removed the tape from his arms.

"We didn't vote," Alina chimed in. Everyone laughed for a bit. Then Nate spoke up in a more serious tone.

"I might not have the thirst for power, but my sister-" Emily choked before speaking.

"You have a sister?" Emily asked. Nate nodded.

"Yeah, two, we're triplets," he said. Emily cried out.

"Oh my lord, what are their names?" Emily asked.

"Megan and Jessica." Emily began to panic.

"Nate, I think your sisters know I have magic." Nate shook his head.

"No, they're too stupid to think of anything like that," Nate said in disbelief. Emily shook her head.

"That girl they hang out with, Belle, she has magic, too. She can sense when other use their magic. She might not know the three of us have magic, but she knows I do." Nate was quiet, he was taking all of this in. Sarah peeped up.

"Books can't fix this, huh?" she asked jokingly. Then it hit Alina.

"Guys! We can solve this!" Everyone in the room turned to look at Alina.

"Ok, so Sarah, I need you do all the research on siphons you can. Emily, you need to stay away from those girls, practice your magic. Nate, talk to your parents about siphons and your bloodline. Me, I have a big party on Saturday, Jess, Meg, and Belle are all going to be there. I'll take care of them. We meet here in the basement on Sunday morning. Everyone understand?" Alina demanded. Everyone nodded their heads. "Good, nine o'clock sharp. See you then. And, be careful."
Saturday Night
Alina made sure to dress nice. She wore a blue top, collar hanging down so it exposed her shoulder. She wore a pair of black leggings and had her hair done up twisty in a ponytail. She fixed herself before entering Kristen's house, Kristen was the one hosting the party. She took in a deep calming breath.

Relax, don't look suspicious, don't act suspicious, you'll be fine.  She walked up the cobble path and knocked on the door. Kristen opened it, hair a mess and half-empty punch cup in hand.

"Hey, Alina! Girl, how have you been doing?" Kristen asked.

"Great, actually! And you look fantastic, yourself!" Alina replied. Kristen smiled.

"You're too nice, come on in!" Kristen left the door open for her to walk in.

"Ok, so, my parents are going to be home tomorrow morning at six, so I need everyone cleared out by five so I can clean up. My parent's room is off limits, too hard to clean. The spiked punch is in the blue bowl and the normal punch in in the clear bowl. If you need anything, I'll be around. Enjoy!" Kristen explained everything to Alina. Alina nodded and waved as Kristen walked away.

"Oh my God! Alina! You made it!" a girl squeaked as she ran over to Alina, tall heels clanking against the wooden floor of the house. A girl, red hair crazy and curly, ran over to Alina, three girls running behind her. She gave Alina the biggest hug.

"Oh my lord, girl, you look fabulous! I feel under dressed!" Linda said as she squeezed Alina. Alina smiled.

"No, please, I'm the one not dresses up! I mean, look at you!" Alina said. Linda blushed.

"You're too sweet! Anyways, I saw some hot boys chilling by the spiked punch, care to join us over there?" Linda asked, nudging Alina. Alina smiled.

"You know it! I need to do something, first. Have you guys seen Belle?" Alina asked. Linda nodded.

"Yeah, she's out on the patio, why?" Linda asked. Alina shrugged.

"No reason. Anyways, I'll be right back, I'll meet you by the spiked punch," Alina said. She waved behind her back as she walked out to the patio.

It was a mess out there. People shouted as boys leaped into the pool, girls screamed conversations to one another over the booming music. Alina looked around quickly before seeing Belle, Jess, and Meg, all dancing by the speaker. Alina rushed over to them.

"Belle! It's been a while! How are you?" Alina shouted over the music. Belle smiled.

"Great! You know, though, tests and all. Anyways, it has been a while! We should really catch up, let's go inside," she said. Alina smiled.

"Sounds great!" Belle, followed by her little minions Jess and Meg, lead Alina inside, over by the fireplace near where the punch bowls were. Linda was occupied, busy flirting in the corner with two boys. Alina rolled her eyes. Belle nodded her head at Meg, and both dashed off and grabbed four cups of punch. Jess turned towards Alina.

"So! You look great! I mean, absolutely great!" she said with a smile. Alina smiled back.

"Not as great as you do! Your hair is, like, goals," Alina said enthusiastically. Jess smiled. Alina kept the conversation casually rolling. "So, I know school's a bit down right now, but how's life at home? How's your brother?" Alina asked. Jess smiled.

"Great! He's fine, always been a hard worker! He's been studying non-stop, I'm surprised he's had any time to hang out with friends," she said.

"Anything weird, or interesting happening?" Alina asked, as if the subject was casual and normal. Right then, Meg came back and handed a cup of punch to Alina while Belle handed one to Jess.

"Really fast, if you don't mind me saying, I'd like to make a toast, to us!" she shouted. The four girls laughed and tapped cups in the air, and all took a huge gulp from their cups. Man, this punch is good! A little strong, but good!

"Now, well, ishn't fis punch jus da besht!" Alina shouted, suddenly feeling very... relaxed. Belle smiled.

"I'm sure it is, why don't I get you another cup?" Belle asked with an odd smile. Alina just shrugged and nodded, and Belle quickly left to get a cup.

"Dis music's very, very, very, very loud," Alina said, loosing her footing a little so she stumbled, but Jess and Meg caught her. Belle came back with another cup.

"Woo! More punsh!" Alina shouted, excitedly taking the cup and drinking it all in one gulp. "Yeah, besht pary ever!" she shouted. Belle took Alina's shoulder and led her out of the crowded living room, into a brightly lit kitchen.

"Thish room's bright," she said, covering her eyes. The girls kept guiding Alina until she was in a bathroom. They shoved her in, stepping in after her, and locked the door.

"Ok, little miss drunk, tell us where our brother is and what you know about him."

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