2 - Losing My All

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2 Months Ago

"Min Sung!" A young police officer enters the room where I'm at with bracelets holding my wrists together. 

I look up at him with my blood-shot eyes, not remembering how I got here. 

"Are you ready to spill, girl?" He takes the seat across the table from me. 

I just stare at him. I don't have any fuckin' idea what he's talking about. My head is throbbing, my eyes burning and my throat dry. I put my forehead on the table and just sigh. 

It's not like it's my first time to be here. I was just interrogated by this same police officer just a few weeks ago for drag racing. As they say, the more you talk, the more mistakes you make. And I don't want to make any now. My brain is not functioning properly and I can taste a sour-salty taste stinging my tongue, triggering my saliva to come out from the sides of my mouth. 

I swallow hard, just as he knocks on the table. "I'm talking to you, Min Sung! What happened last night?"

I shake my head, still not looking up. "I don't know."

He pounds the table, making me look up in surprise. 

"You bitch. You killed him, didn't you?" He shouts out. "You pulled the trigger on his head and kissed him before leaving."

Killed? Me? I furrow my brows at him. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You damn well know it!" He yells, getting up and pointing a finger at me. "You lost the race, and you couldn't take it. So, you went to his house after that and shot him point blank. You got the money from the bet and you fled." He pushes the table to the side and I jump on my seat from the loud banging sound on the wall that resonates around the small interrogation room. 

Even if I want to cry, there are no tears coming out since my eyes are as arid as the desert itself. I close them as I let my head hang down. "I didn't do it." I say, almost a whisper. 

He takes long strides towards me and tilts my head up. "Then how do you explain your DNA we found in his mouth? Or the bag of cash in the compartment in your car? How about the thirty-eight caliber we found on you that was used to shoot him? Huh?"

"I need a lawyer." I finally say, realizing how serious this case is. 

"Fuck!" He holds my cheeks with his hand, pressing it a bit harsh, "Why don't you just say it, girl. Say it. 'I killed Ryan Young.' Just say it." He shouts right at my face. 

Ryan? Ryan Young? That's when tears come out. Ryan's dead? "I need a lawyer," I say again as I stifle my sobs. 

"God Damnit, you slut!" He shouts again, kicking the foot of my chair. 

"Soon Hong. Enough!" Another voice comes in the room. He just stands there until the first police officer goes out, slamming the door. 

He then slowly pulls back the table and sets a cup of water in front of me, which I down immediately. The water cascades down my burning throat and for a moment I forgot why I was crying. 

"Min Sung!" His voice is more gentle than the other guy's. I look up at him slowly, letting go of the empty paper cup between my hands. He puts his hands on the table, leaning a bit closer. "You know that if you're found guilty it's twenty years to life, right?"

"But, I didn't do it?" I cry. "How can I? He's my boyfriend for fuck's sake."

He sighs, pulling the chair for him to sit. "Hey, your prints are written all over it. Even if we get you a lawyer, there's no use. All the evidence point at you."

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