7 - Reward or Punishment?

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XXX - Not so sure if you're gonna like it though.

I stay in the room longer, just sitting there beside the guy I just fuckin' strangled. I try to dry my cheeks, but, my tears just won't stop flowing. 

What the fuck did I just commit just now? 

I can't even dare to look to my side to confirm that he's not breathing. I plant my face on my hands, trying to organize my thoughts. 

After a few more minutes, panic strikes me. 

Shit. What do I do now? What if someone comes in the room and sees me here? I quickly get up and check the lock of the door, thankfully, Jin has locked it earlier. I look at the small window. The curtain is heavy and it's down. I immediately take the belt I used, loosening it from his neck. I put it around my waist, pulling my shirt down to cover it. 

Then I go back to being terrified. All my muscles and nerves are shaking involuntarily. I slump down at the floor, crying again. 

I jump from where  I'm sitting when I feel my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket. I take it out, checking the caller before answering. 

"Are you done yet?" Mark asks, sounding a bit too casual. Does he realize the intensity of the crime I just committed? Of course not. He's a hard core for crying out loud. He's used to this. "Come out from the window." He instructs before hanging up. 

Ten more minutes before I collect myself. With my insides still shaking, I jump out the small window at the very end of the tiny room, making sure nobody has seen me. Mark is already waiting outside. 

"We...." my lips are trembling, "I think we...n...need ..." I want to tell him that we need to go before someone would realize what just happened. 

But, he pulls me back to the front of the house. "We have to at least party, Mia." He slings an arm on my shoulder. "We don't want the booze to go to waste, do we? Here," he hands me a drink and I instantly gulp it all down, wetting my very dry mouth. 

To make matters worse, one of Jin's friends sees us and approaches. "Hey, Mia. Have you seen Jin?"

"Uh..." I can't even look him straight in the eye. Mark squeezes my shoulder. "No," I shake my head. I feel my back is already drenched in sweat and my knees are about to give in. But, Mark holds me up, putting his arm down to my waist. 

"Don't act too obvious, Mia." He whispers in my ear. I can see a grin on his face and all I want to do right now is erase it for him. "You did a terrific job actually. Don't worry. You'll be rewarded dearly for this."

I don't care about any rewards right now. I just killed for fuck's sake. Not just anybody, but a friend. I don't need rewards, I deserve a punishment. I deserve to be hanged alive. 

We enter the living room again and I turn to my right, to the room where Jin is and I shudder. I have to grab the nearest drink I could reach and finish it to the last drop. 

Mark is already enjoying the party as his eyes are glued at the center of the room where a live sex show is being held. 

"I think we need to go." I tell him, feeling my insides churning as the image of Jin haunts my mind. 

He takes out his phone and I see him typing a message. 'Done. Clean up needed.' I'm guessing he's calling some guys over to remove any evidence and maybe get rid of the body. I feel like hurling at the thought. 

"Ten minutes," he says while chuckling then hollering at the guy who's giving his all on top of the girl with her legs splayed high up in the air. It's like nothing happened. He then adds, "It would be nice to bang you in front of your gang." He has this sinister face as he looks at me. 

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