30 - The War Ends Here

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"Mia! Hey. Mia!" 

I hear someone calling my name, but I just can't turn to see who it is. My body is numb and my voice just won't come out. I stare straight at the road, sitting at the backseat of the car, as Jungkook revs out of the street and to the highway. 

What has happened back there? What's happening to me? At those moments, when I pulled the trigger at the three GS elites and when I shot my very own father, I wasn't thinking straight. Or was I? How did I manage to do that?

How was I able to get through the welcome GS gave me months ago? There were hands all over me and inside me while I was cuffed and blind folded. I survived that. How did I live through Mark's punishments when he fucked me over and over and over? How did I manage to strangle Jin, the person who took me in? How did I go by my daily life knowing my best friend's boy friend died in one of my gang mates hands? The time I pulled the trigger on Tiny, how did I even not flinch? 

Am I even considered as human now? Now that I killed friends, allies, enemies and more, would I even pass as a human being? Can I continue on living remembering how heartless I was when I saw the fear in Mark's dad's face and my father's face and I just shot them ... just like that, without even feeling any remorse after. 

"Mia. Please say something."

And that sweet, innocent voice. I took away her father's life and she's still with me. What did I do to her? Did I just make her life worse? 

I don't know if I'm crying or not, because I just don't feel anything. NOTHING. I'm not sure if my hands are still trembling or my lips shaking. 

"We need to stop by somewhere," I hear Jungkook saying. "Do you have your passport with you?"

"I ... No...." Michel answers. "Where are we going?"


"Shit!" The boy curses. "We can't stay here. I can't let them take my sister. She'd be sent to jail for sure. I have to get her out."

"Where she goes, I go." The girl says. 

Then everything goes silent again. I want to tell her to just stay. But, my lips aren't functioning. 

Even if I don't look down at my hands, or my clothes, I know that they're covered in blood. I can smell it. 

"Wait for me here. I'll just get something." The car stops and Jungkook runs out. 

"Mia." Michel's crying face is just in front of me. "I'm scared. Tell me everything's gonna be ok. Please."

But, my lips stay shut. 

"We need to get Mark. Tell me he's alive. Please, Mia." She sobs. "Tell me they're fine. Yugyeom." Her cheeks are wet with tears. I want to wipe them dry and tell her it's alright, but I can't. "MIA." She yells. 

Yugyeom. That boy. He could be in a shoot out somewhere. He could even be dead. 

Byul. Was she able to get away? 

Mark. "Mark!" Finally, the first word that comes out my mouth. 

"Mia." Michel looks relieved. "Yes. We have to get Mark. Where is he?"

I am able to lift my hands and touch her face. But before I can say anything, the door opens and she's being dragged out of the car. "Michel!" I scream. I reach for my gun behind me but find nothing. I remember I dropped them back in the penthouse. 

I quickly get out of the car, but stop just beyond the door when I feel the barrel of a gun pointed at my head. 

"MIA!" Michel is held by two men at the side, gun pointed at her head, too. 

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