19 - Reunion and More

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I stealthily enter my apartment. The door is slightly ajar. I think it's because the boys didn't close it last time when they forcefully took me. Or, it could also be that Paul has already been here. He must've already known what happened if he really got my place bugged. 

That's why I carefully push it open, holding the gun Mark gave me at my side, getting ready if ever someone jumps out of the shadows. 

The house is dark, only the light shining through the windows and the open door from outside illuminates it, drawing faint umbrage on the floor. My eyes scan the place, my feet hesitating to step inside. I'm sweating like a pig, but I get to the living room without any incident. 

After realizing I'm alone, I relax a bit, loosening my grip on my rod. I enter the room, turning on the light. I'm just hoping that leaving the house for two nights with the door open like that didn't attract any looter. But, seeing that my gun is not on the floor anymore where it fell, tells me that someone has already been here. 

I check under the bed for the phone. Thankfully, it's still there. I immediately turn it on and check the single message from none other than the person I'm about to kill. 

'Call me when you get this.'

I bite on my nail, thinking whether to press call or wait a little longer until my nerves settle down a bit. I close my eyes and press it still, then put the phone on my ear. 

"Min Sung!" I hear Paul sigh when he answers on the first ring. "Are you ok? What happened? Are you at the apartment?"

"Uhm....yeah." I answer, sitting at the edge of the bed, trying to process what I have to do.

"You ok?" He asks again. "I was just there last night. What the fuck happened?"

"Ugh....It's ... just the boys." I tell him, trying to sound pissed, but deep inside I'm nervous as hell. 

"You alone?"


"Stay where you are, Min Sung. I'll be there in a few." He says before hanging up. My heart rate doubles, my shaking intensifies. If earlier I was sure that I can do this, now, I'm starting to doubt myself. Although I don't trust Paul with my life, he never did anything, really, for me to be doing this to him. But, then again .... I have to, right? 

It doesn't even take him ten minutes to arrive. I'm still battling with myself when I hear his footsteps running up the stairs outside my door.  

"Min Sung," he is panting when he gets in the house. I slowly get out of the room meeting him with a weak smile. 


"You're back. What happened?" He asks, looking at me from head to toe. 

Something's wrong here. He looks more tense than I am. He'd always go straight to the fridge whenever he would come over, and get himself a bottle of beer. But, he's just standing there by the doorway, watching my every move. 

"You want a beer?" I ask, walking to the kitchen, trying to act casual. 

He doesn't answer. Instead of reaching inside for a bottle, I immediately grab the gun on my side and turn around, pointing it straight at him. We both freeze, the barrel of his rod pointing at me, too. 

I'm not sure how long we stay like that, looking straight at each other's eyes, waiting for someone or something to move. 

After what seems like a while, I raise my left hand slowly. "Paul." I cautiously lower myself, showing him I'm putting my gun down, not taking my eyes off him though. "What is this?" As slowly as I got down, I leave the gun on the floor and get back up. 

The Asset - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now