21 - The Family

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"Mark. No, no, no!" I try to get down from his arms. "We don't have time for this," I say when he takes me to the room. I know he's gonna have me wired up again. With all the blood I'm losing and the bruises all over my body, I'm just guessing he's thinking of calling the doctor. "We have to get out of here. They're coming." 

"Shut up," he says as he lays me on the bed. "Yugyeom, call the others." 


"I said, shut up." He takes out his phone and makes a call, leaving the room, closing the door behind him. 

I don't know where I got my energy earlier since I was still able to get away from that house and drive myself here. But, right now, I can't even move a muscle. The adrenaline I had earlier is all spent up. 

Tears well out of my eyes when I remember what I just learned tonight. Ryan! I seriously don't know how to take it. It's like all I've ever believed him to be slowly disappear and a new Ryan is emerging. I feel so guilty thinking of avenging his death when Mark is doing the same for his sister. 

After almost half an hour, I hear other voices downstairs, more come in a few. The doctor comes in the room with the lady nurse. 

I wipe my tears and close my eyes as they check the countless hits and wounds I have. 

"Oh, God." The doctor says, gasping. "How did you even get back here with these?" 

I try to concentrate on the voices from downstairs, just to ignore the pain from the cut the doctor is making on my shoulder to remove the bullet. But, I still scream when I can't take it anymore. It's even worse than being shot. 

"I'm sorry, but, we don't have time for anesthetics." Now he tells me. FUCK!

"Just ...." I grit my teeth, stopping myself from letting out another loud scream, "get me something to drink."

The nurse runs out of the room and comes back in minutes, handing me a bottle of whiskey, I'm guessing she got from the kitchen. I immediately take a gulp, letting the strong alcohol drown the additional torture. It's taking him forever to get to the lodged bullet, making the cut go deeper and deeper still. 

I surrender to stupor. Just allowing myself to fall to unconsciousness. I'm not sure for how long. But, when I open my eyes again, I'm already alone in the room. 

I get up slowly, wincing at the pain with my every movement. I'm still wearing the bloody shirt I got from Paul, ripped on the shoulder part where the doctor sewed me up. I limp towards the closet and once again, choose some of Mark's clothes that would fit me. 

When I exit the room to go to the bathroom to wash up and change, I see Mark coming up the stairs. He immediately runs beside me. "Hey, you ok? You need to be resting? What do you need?"

"I just ... need to clean these up," I put up my arms, showing him the dried up blood all over them. 

"Need some help?" 

"No." I shake my head. "I'm fine." 

Before I could get in the bathroom, he pulls me in his arms, hugging me so tight, I need to push him away a bit since I can't stand the pain from the wounds all over my body. "I thought I was gonna lose you." He whispers. 

With that, I sob, wetting his shirt instantly as I wrap my arms around him. "I'm sorry." I cry. "I'm sorry about ... " I can't bring myself to say his sister's name, "everything," I say instead. 

"Don't ever let me worry like that again. You hear me?"


The house is busy since almost all the members in the city are here. They take turns watching as some of them go on with the daily business. Bam, Youngjae and another guy need to continue with the deliveries. The others are assigned to do something else. 

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