22 - A Bit Of Me

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I stare at Yugyeom as he prances back to the girl, "I want you to meet a friend," he whispers, but loud enough that I hear it. "She's your brother's friend, too."

The girl is much thinner than the one I saw on the newspaper clipping. Her cheeks are sunken, her eyes too deep. She's just staring back, her lips pursed shut. 

I look at the girl, then at the smiling Yugyeom behind her. 

"She's not gonna eat you, you know," Yugyeom says, motioning me to go closer. "Say hi."

I force my frozen feet to move, licking my dry lips. 

"C'mon," he says, reaching his hand to pull me. 

"Hey..." my lips are shaking as I try to smile. I put my hand over hers that's resting on her lap and as I kneel, my tears come out. She really is very pretty. Even with her expressionless face, I can see that she'd look the prettiest when she smiles. "I'm Mia," I manage to say after wiping my cheeks dry. 

I suddenly remember a conversation Yugyeom and I had months ago. 

"Any girlfriend yet?" I asked him. 

He chuckled, his cheeks turned red. 

I smiled, "Is she pretty?"

His smile faded. "She was."

It was her. 


"I'm sorry, Yugyeom," I tell him as he walks me out of the room. I look down at my feet, not knowing what else to say. 

"It's not your fault, Mia." He sighs. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you ... about all this."

"But..." I turn to him, "I thought she's ...."

"Dead?" He shakes his head. "The family wants everybody to think that." He opens a door just beside the girl's room and motions me to go in. 

It's a bedroom as wide as the one we just came from. I can instantly see that it's Mark's since there are posters of cars on one wall and more of his matchbox collection on the shelf. 

Yugyeom sighs again, laying on the bed, and stares up at the ceiling. I sit beside him. "Why?"

"They come from a well-known clan. The press was everywhere at that time. I guess they didn't want her to go through more traumatic events than she already had."

"Does she ... " I lay and turn my head to him, "does she even talk?"

"Not that much. She only talks to people she trusts."

"You? Does she talk to you?" 

A smile forms on his lips. "Yeah," he nods. "She likes listening though. Every time I visit, I'd tell her all about what I've been doing. I try to avoid topics that would remind her of that night." His smile disappears and he knits his brows. "I try to avoid thinking about it, too. But.... it's hard... you know. Whenever I see her, that night would come to me ... so clear ... it's like it just happened yesterday."

"Did ... Ryan ... know?" 

He stays silent for a while. "He did. But, he didn't know I found out he was one of them."

"When you ..." tears come down again and I look away from him, wiping my cheeks, "when you shot him .... did you tell him?"


"Was he ... sorry?" My heart is aching, both for Yugyeom and the girl in the other room. 

"It doesn't matter. Damage has been done."

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