27 - Going Back

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What is he talking about? Baby?

Jungkook looks at me, creasing his brows again. He wipes his tears. "Didn't you know you're pregnant? The doctor who came to check you said you are. Aren't you?"

"I...." SHIT! "No .... What ...." FUCK! "I ...." I reach over to his door, opening it and pushing him out. "I need to go." I quickly step on the gas and close the door, leaving him chasing after the car. 

I'm pregnant? With Mark's child? How? What the fuck! 

The vomiting, the nausea ... it's because I'm fuckin' pregnant? 

I try to recall the last time we had sex. That was before he got in the car and left. More than three weeks ago ... But .... FUCK! I'm pregnant?

Why would this happen now? What should I feel? Should I be happy? 

I just drive, trying to wipe the tears from my eyes as they're blurring my vision. With the lit night streets of the city, I speed on. 

This can't be happening right? All that's happened in the past days .... they're all just part of my nightmare. Isn't it?

What the fuck would Mark say? Should I tell him even? 

No .... I have to focus on something else. This is just driving me insane. 

Jackson. If I get my hands on him .... AAAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! 

I step on the breaks suddenly. I lean my head on the steering wheel. I hit it with my fists, shouting, screaming. 

I only continue driving when a car passes me by, beeping really loud. 

I find myself parking in a deserted street, hours away from Seoul. Just a few more minutes and I'd be at the entrance to the mansion. 

I check the magazine of the .45 caliber I got from Minho, making sure it's full, before putting it back to my side. Can I really go back there? Do I want to? 

I want to kill Jackson ... that's for sure. I want to see Mark. I want to confirm from the three elites if what I just learned is true. But, then what?

Unconsciously, my hand goes to my belly, and I tear up even more. I've already lost one ... I won't let that happen again. 

As scared and confused as I am, I start the car again and drive towards the GS mansion. Death was something I welcomed long before. When I entered this life, I knew that sooner or later I'd be found lifeless. But, now, dying is not an option. I have to survive, not just for me, but for the unborn child inside me. 

As I near the mansion, a scene from JB's dad's office emerges. 

"Take off your shirt." 

"Turn around and take off your shirt."

"Trust me. Just do it."

They know who I am! Mark knows, too! 

I stop the car again. Is that why Mark wants to keep me here? The reason why the elites suddenly softened up to me? But, why? Shouldn't they just kill me or trade me? Why would they want me?

Just a few more meters. I can already see some other cars parked in front and at the side of the mansion. I see Mark's, too. Could they be all here? 

I slowly accelerate, my heart beating faster and faster. I stop not too close to the house. So, if something happens inside, I could quickly drive myself out. 

I take a deep breath before getting out. The front door opens and I see Mark running out, coming towards me. "Mia!" His eyes are blood shot. 

I freeze, not exactly knowing what to do. 

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