10 - Saving A Friend

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"Byul!" Although I'm shaking, I manage to pull her up to her feet. 

"What the... FUCK!" Min Seuk finally comes to our side and sees what we just saw. "Shit!" He gets in the room and checks the windows which are still locked from the inside. 

"Min Seuk!" I call the boy even before he can touch Gun Ho. "No. We have to take Byul away from here." I tell him, putting my arm around her waist and taking hers over my shoulder. 

Min Seuk quickly helps me with her. "Shit. We need to call the police."

"You do that." I instruct him. "But, we have to get out of here first. We don't want to get caught with all these people."

We finally get her in the car with much difficulties. She wouldn't stop bawling and she couldn't stand up straight, more so walk. 

"Where are we gonna take her?" Min Seuk asks as he takes out his phone and dials the police. 

"My place." I just say. Just then, I notice three men getting out of the black Bugatti. "Is that them?" I ask Min Seuk as I start the car. 

He leans closer to the window. "I think so. I can't really see them clearly from here."

"Min Seuk." I throw him the keys to my apartment. "Take Byul to my place." I tell him the address. 

"No." He quickly says, grabbing my hand when I get out of the car. "What are you gonna do?"

"I need to know who they are, Min Seuk. Just... I'll follow. I promise. Just tell the police what happened. I'd be out of here before they arrive." I tell him before running back towards the house. 

I see the car passing by as I enter the front door. I immediately spot the men and I take out my phone, secretly taking pictures of them. 

Byul and Gun Ho left me at the veranda an hour ago. The person who killed him must still be inside the house. The windows in the room were locked from the inside so it's impossible that he or she could've gotten out from there. 

But, as hard as I search the room for a possible killer, it's hard. The house is just filled with too many people whom I haven't seen before. But, most of them are either enjoying the show in the kitchen or busy getting drunk or stoned. 

So, I turn my attention to the three again. They look inconspicuous as they drink and dance in the middle of the other people. 

Just as soon as one of them leaves the crowd and walks towards the room where Gun Ho still is, we hear sirens from the distance. The three look at each other, surprised. They quickly put on their hoods and exit the house just as fast. 

"Hey." I pull one of the WOLFs aside. 

"Mia?" He says, looking stunned to see me after so long. "Oh my God. How are you? Long time no see."

"Yeah. Yeah." Although I'd want to stop and chat, I need to go after those three who are already sprinting towards their car. "Sorry, but. Can I borrow your car for a while?"

"Sure." He says without hesitating, taking his keys from his jeans pocket and handing them to me. 

"Thanks, man. I'll give it back." I immediately run outside and search for the car. 

"Let's hang out sometime," I hear him shouting. I just wave my hand and run down the street after spotting his Honda. 

The Bugatti drives the opposite direction, away from the incoming sirens and I quickly follow them. However, with how fast their car is, I couldn't keep up and I lose them at an intersection. 

The Asset - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now