8 - Learning More About the Gang

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I have the belt around his neck and I pull as hard as I can. "Die you fuckin' son-of-a-bitch," I yell, using all my energy to tighten my hold on the leather strap. 


I look down at his face one last time before he lets out his last breath. I instantly release my grip on the belt when I realize it's Ryan under me. 

I sit up from the bed, gasping for air. My tears run down in streams. I hug my knees closer as I sob, putting my head between them. 

"Mia!" Yugyeom is out of breath when he gets in the room. "You ok?" He runs to my side, sitting on the bed and pulling me to his arms. 

"Shit!" I curse aloud. "I'm so fucked up."

"Shhh..." he tries to shush me, stroking my arm as he holds me tighter. 

When I look up at him, I see bruises on his face. "Fuck!" I curse again. "What the fuck did they do to you?" I remember the other guys telling me he had been 'detained' because of me. 

"It's nothing." He shrugs it off. "At least they believe you now."

I close my eyes recalling what I did last night to make them trust me. I cry even louder. The image of Jin on the chair, his neck red from the belt, not breathing. "Oh my God!" I start trembling again. "What the fuck did I just do?"

"Don't worry, Mia," he sighs, "nobody would ever suspect you."

"Jin. You know him, don't you?" I look up at him, clutching his shirt. "He was my friend, Yugyeom. And I fuckin' strangled him like an animal."

"Mia," he holds onto my hand, shaking me a bit. "He deserved it."

My eyes get bigger. I shake my head, "No. No one deserves to die like that. No one has the right to take his life. But, I did." I cry. 

He stays silent then. His hands go back around and he takes me back in his arms. After my sobs have subsided, he lets go and sighs. "You better get dressed. You have another delivery to make." He says, then leaves the room, closing the door behind him. 

It's just then that I realize, I'm in Mark's room, naked and on his bed. Memories of what happened in the car make me cringe and hate myself. Spent after another round at the garage, he carried me up to his room. 

"AAAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!" I shout out loud. What the fuck have I turned into? 


After we do all five deliveries in four hours, Yugyeom and I sit at a bar just outside Seoul, cooling off with a bottle of beer. 

"Can I at least know the story behind Jin?" I bravely ask him. 

"You don't have to know, Mia," he says, looking straight at my eyes, "I'm not even sure myself."

"You mean you just go killing people just because the superiors say so?" I spit out. 

"Sssshhh..." he puts a finger over his lips, looking around to check if anybody heard. "Can we not talk about this here? Besides, I don't do that. We have hitmen to do those jobs for us. It just so happened that they gave you the job because they suspected you of spying." 

I turn around but see the bar's almost empty since it's still early. I just sigh. 

"Anyway," he leans closer, "that doesn't matter anymore. At least now, you're really in the gang." He puts up his bottle and smiles. "Shall we toast to that?"

"Ugh," I roll my eyes but clink my bottle to his just the same. "By the way," I look at him again, "do you know who owns a black Bugatti?" 

He is obviously taken by surprise. 

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