31 - Starting Anew

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The tattoo of WOLF on her back wasn't really the first that caught my attention. It was the birthmark. If I'm not mistaken, from the description dad told me before, this could be the girl they kidnapped less than 19 years ago. 

I really didn't know what to do with her at first. Of all the freakin' coincidences, the girl just falls back in GS' arms. I was too confused and a bit paranoid, that's why I didn't tell the elites. I really thought she was here for revenge. But, as she stayed longer, I realized, she didn't know who she really was. And I kept her for reasons I couldn't explain at first. 

But, as time went by, I thought I felt responsible somehow. I wanted to watch over her, although I know I didn't do anything to really accomplish that. She got hurt, physically and emotionally, not just from the group but, also from the rival gang where she was from. 

And as time passed by, as I saw her change into this little monster, I wanted to stop her. We were ruining her life even more, giving her tasks after tasks that just made her more into a devil. I felt even more evil, letting her go through all that. Although we didn't really know she was pregnant, but .... damn ... what did we do to her?

When she first came to the office she was all innocent and I thought she was just some girl who needed a group to belong to. But, only after some time, she turned into something else ... something really scary. 

I argued a lot with Junior about her. He wanted her out, but, I wanted her to stay for many reasons. Because of her real identity, for one. I wanted to give her a family ... a place for her to run to when she's in trouble ... a family that our dad's took away from her. Also, because I wanted to keep on protecting her. 

Every single time I come back to Korea, I feel more and more drawn to her. Until that day, when I saw her coming back from her last task - with Paul - I knew that what I feel for her is more than just my possessive self. I fell for her. I really did. It was something I didn't know I would ever feel, not with my kind of lifestyle. 

But, after I took her to the family house, that's when all the dilemma happened. The elites were against her, they wanted to get rid of her because of her connection to WOLF and the fact that she did enter the gang to spy on us. That's why I had to tell them about her birthmark. Although I know they'd use her against the rival gang's leader - which is her real father - I didn't have a choice. It was the only way I could save her from her death bed ... or so I thought.

School was something I really didn't welcome that time. I didn't want to leave her in the house full of watchful eyes. But, I had to. Since it's the last year, I plan on just going with my dad's wishes. And after that, I'd take her far away from all this mess, start a new life with her. 

I was sick of this life anyway. It's all about who's dominating what. I wanted out. She was the one who opened that window for me. I didn't realize until that time, that I wanted something else outside the gang. 

When we were kids, all we were taught by our dads was how to keep the gang from collapsing. And we, JB, Junior and I, did all what we were taught to keep it going. Illegal or not, we did what we had to do. 

Especially after what happened to my sister. I put my all into finding her justice. I had people killed in a snap of a finger. I knew one day, all of those would come haunting me, but I didn't care. At that time, all I wanted was to see them and the people they love suffer as much as my family did. 

But, when Mia came into my life, I admit, I had second thoughts. What if one day, Mia would realize who she really is and what really happened to her, would she be as brutal as I am? Would she try to kill all the people involved in wrecking her life? Would she even take me after she learned that both my parents had a hand in turning her life upside down?

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