Chapter 17

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I could practically feel my heart beating out of my chest. I made my way down the rest of the stairs while holding the banister to keep my hands from trembling.

Aiden smirked and handed me a bouquet of flowers "I've never really gone on a date so I might screw this up."

I realized he looked just a nervous as I was by the way he messed with the edge of his shirt. "I won't notice, I'm not very good at this either." he finally smiled and it was perfect.

I grabbed a vase and placed the flowers in carefully while admiring them.

"The flowers are beautiful, Thank you."

He was smirking "You look beautiful."

I blushed "You don't look too bad yourself."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door "Come on. I have a surprise." I felt my arm tingle from his touch and I couldn't help but smile.

I turned and saw Adeline running down the stairs "See you guys later. Have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Aiden opened the door for me and I watched his smirk turn into a smile as he walked around the front of the truck.

"Okay, so I was thinking to start off this date by playing 20 questions." I looked over at him in confusion.

"We've known each other our entire lives." he rolled his eyes

"I planned this date so just go with it. What your favorite color?" I thought for a second because I don't really have one.

"I would say purple, the color of royalty." Aiden laughed and the warmth, it spread through my chest made my heart skip a beat.

"What's your favorite color? Wait! I want to guess." he was now smiling and I thought hard "Orange!" I was smiling and joking around. I didn't really know but it was worth a try

"How'd you know, Princess? Orange is my favorite." he looked over to me for a second and the way his eyes sparkled sent shivers down my spine.

"I don't know why I thought that game was a good idea because we're already here. Also, I couldn't decide between a fancy place or somewhere more simple" I leaned over, kissed his cheek.

"It's perfect." Aiden quickly got out of the car and opened my door for me. I took his hand as I got out of the car and he held mine the whole way inside. A girl around our age showed us to a booth farther from the rest and gave me a polite smile

"Hello, welcome to Cathy's Café can I start you two off with some drinks?" she looked at me first "Water." Then to Aiden "Same." she nodded and winked at Aiden before spinning around and swaying her hips.

Aiden let out a nervous laugh and picked up a menu and I followed. "I have no clue what to get."

Aiden looked up and said "I'll order you something I know you'll like. If you want." I nodded at him with a smile and he smiled back.

"I'm really nervous Cami." I reached across the table and grabbed his hand "What does the amazingly popular Aiden have to be worried about?"

He smiled a little "My portfolio isn't perfect, I have a beautiful girl sitting across from me that honestly scares the crap out of me, and this is the first real date I've ever been on. I don't want to mess up any of it." He looked down at our hands touching and kept his head down.

"Aiden look at me." he listened  "Stop worrying for long enough to enjoy this date and I'll help you with your portfolio later on in the week. Okay?" he nodded and finally smiled at me.

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