Chapter 4

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Emies (Emily's nickname) POV

When i woke up It was 4:38 AM I guess i woke up on time. I walked into the kitchen and prepared Leos coffee. He walked downstairs soon after to see me drinking some coffee of my own. "what are you doing up you need to rest!" He said and ran over to me gently. "look Leo none of this is new it happens everyday before i met you and while i knew you and it will keep happening im used to it and i NEED the money if im ever getting out of that dump." I said groggy. I wish i was in bed but i NEEDED the money. "look Emily if money is what you need i will give you all the money in world!" He said. It was tempting but getting free money was not me. "Sorry Leo im just not used to that and i won't accept" i said. "Then go back to bed you made the coffee and now your done." He said. "no i need to go to school i never miss any days!" i walked upstairs before he had a chance to say anything and grabbed my school stuff. I walked downstairs and ignored everything he said and walked out. I waited for the bus for 30 minutes before it came. Finally! I got on but regretted it when i saw him. Not Austin...Ethan...

At school i ran inside hoping Ethan did not notice me because of his slutty girlfriend wearing literally booty shorts and a bra. She said it was a sports bra for dance class but it said jug number 1 and jug number 2 on her breasts so i was not convinced. No i did not ask her, someone else did. I walked into class. So far so contact with him. Second class, still good. But then lunch came by. He grabbed me and dragged into a closet by my hair. U started screaming but he covered my mouth with his hands. He pushed me against the wall still holding onto my hair. "P-please don't do this again!" He grabbed my hand and in the process broke a finger, I could feel it. "my finger i think you b-broke it!" i said crying. "GOOD YOU LITTLE SLUT YOU DESERVE IT AND MUCH MORE!" oi started screaming for help. Bad idea. He pushed his lips against mine but i would let him enter. "DAM IT LEMME IN" I shook my head and he kneed me in the stomach. I cried in pain and he took advantage of that moment. He forcefully pushed his gross tongue into my mouth. I bit his tongue trying to get him off me but he just moaned in pleasure instead. I kicked him where the sun don't shine and he dropped me. I ran to the door to find it was locked. I turned around...he looked VERY angry. "YOU B*TCH I'LL TECH YOU TO RESPECT ME!" I screamed when he came after me. Before he could take a punch Austin jumped in front of my and took it for me. He barley lost breath but still lost a little. "OH MY GOD AUSTIN ARE YOU OK!?!?!" I looked at him in the eye. "listen you NEED to get away from here i can take this it has been going on for years please i don't want you getting hurt because of me!!!" He shook his head no and stood up. "Ethan went to kick him in the face but i stood in from of him and screamed. (imagine it in slow motion ;) :p) Instead of hitting Austin he hit me in the face and blacked out.   

I woke up in the orphanage and Leo and Austin were sitting on my bed both on their phone. Must have been pretty awkward for them ha ha. I must have actually giggle because they both looked at me very happily. "you guys are funny" i said. they looked at each other and realized what i meant and both started laughing A LOT. "So how are you feeling?" Leo asked. "um, im feeling fine....where is Ethan?" I asked. They both looked at each other. "um the hospital" Austin said. "oh my god you guys didn't!!!" I sat up quickly. I regretted it because of the pain but i was shocked. "and by the way you guys look like you have become my gay parents" i giggled when they both made looked at each other and scooted far away and looked at me with a flirty smile instead. "you guys, don't get me started i can't take care of you forever" i giggled and said.  "Hey i took care of you!" Austin said. "yea me to!" Leo said. "OK Austin I AM the one who took kick for you and Leo all you did was 'fire' me and offer me like a trillion dollars" i giggled. "hey you CHOSE to take that kick which BTW im not happy about!" Austin said. "Yea and i did NOT fire you i just offered money to get you into college" I laughed at them and hugged them both. "you guys, i know we all just met a couple days ago but i feel like we have known each other for a long time." I said and sighed and smiled. They were about to (i assume) agree when the orphanage lady came in. "OK you have been adopted pest" she said and blew her bubble gum giving googly eyes to Leo and Austin.  They told her to back off and she looked p*ssed. Well lets go see who my new parents are im excited!!!" I said happily. They helped me up and brought me into the lobby. "Hello! I am your mother and i want to say i pray you and your new brother get along!" She looked very nice and i was very happy. "oh i cant wait to meet him im sure he is wonderful!!!" I said. "Thanks doll" I turned around and saw Ethan. "WAIT YOUR MY NEW BROTHER!!!" I almost fainted. Leo and Austin went to talk to the lady and i was being bridal style carried to her. I was almost unconscious and to them i WAS. "Listen Mrs.." Leo questioned. "oh right um Mrs. Luria!" She said. "OK well Mrs. Luria, see Ethan and Emily go to school together and well...she is hurt REALLY bad because he...physically bullies her. She looks fine right now but she has a lot of clothes to cover and some make up on her face. He calls her names like whore and slut and tells her she is useless. He kicked her in the face so hard she almost got a concussion." "Oh my god! may i...look at her, wipe off her make up.?" She asked. "um yea sure and if we go into a bathroom i will show you her stomach arms and legs." He carried me into a bathroom with Austin and Mrs. Luria. She rubbed her hands on my face and took off the makeup. She gasped "oh my god!" She then slowly lifted up my shirt making sure to be gentle and not go passed my torso. "OH MY GOD" "I don't need to see anymore i completely understand." She said. "i think i have made a decision. I am not adopting Ethan. I stood up quickly. "NO YOU HAVE TO NOW!!!!" Everyone almost fell over. "if you don't he will continue to get me at school and Leo and Austin will NOT get hurt because of me on my watch!!!" "well, sweety i don-" I interrupted her. "PLEASE, I can just have a room farthest from his!" I said. "well sweety about that...were looking for a new and right now you guys have to...share." She said and looked down. "i can do that" i said firmly. "well OK...if that is what you really want" She said. "well lets forget about it right now we don't need to dwell right now it is a happy time!' She said. "thanks Mrs. Luria!" I smiled brightly. "oh sweety no! call me mom after all i am now!!!" "thanks mom!" i said smiling. "um mom, can Austin and Leo stay with the first couple of nights...?" They both looked surprised when my mom did not hesitate to say yes! "is that OK with you boys?" she asked. "no problem" They said in unison and smiling.

Well things are looking up now. And to add i found out Ethan would rather live his friends so i am free and i have a loving and caring home!!!! Plus i get to enjoy my time with my to friends Leo and Austin! Yep everything is fine now!


A/N: Wow! With all that crap that Emily has to go through she kept a positive and firm attitude and things are great for her!!! Things are FAR from done though to stay tuned! BTW im still sick so i wont update as often but i will to update as much as i can and i will totally make it up to you when im not sick anymore!

Lots of love and jelly donuts!!!  (well no reason i can't have a little donuts...num num num...)

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