Chapter 12 Part 2

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Emily's POV

We left the airport and Leo is now bringing us to his house. Since he travels a lot I guess he got a house like everwhere...

"Ok turn left sir" Leo said to the taxi driver. The man nodded and turned left. We pulled into a giant parking lot. ...Wow...

"Wow im so excited!!!" Alisa really was excited no denying that. "Haha the whole trip you tallied about fashion and French guys." Maya was excited but not as showing with it as Alisa. I giggled at her comment.

"What???" she seemed offended and mortified at the same time. "You know your excited for the guys and art so don't make fun of her haha" I smiled as Leo lead is to the entrance. "Wow..." was all I could say as we enetered. It was very big.

"Ok my friend followed us and will lead you ladies to your room. Emily, I will show you our room."  I smiled and followed Leo. Not surprising soon after I heard a car pull up and imagined Alisa giving her signature smile.

I entered the room Leo and I shared and I was very surprised yet also happy. It looked more like a one room apartment...and a big one. The room was amazingly big!!!

"Leo I love it!!!" I jumped into his arms and started kissing him. We kissed for a couple seconds and then there was a knock on the door.

Leo went to open it. I could see Maya but they were whispering. Leo was all about ME so i ignored it.

Later that day Maya and Alisa and I were in Alisas room talking about boys. "Ok so Leo's friend is hella HOT!!!!" Alisa squealed and Maya and I laughed. "Ok what about...Tayler Laughtner?" Maya asked. I gasped. "Omg Maya you b*tch Haha I knew you were a secret diva!!!" after I said that we burst into laughter until Alisa fell backwards and almost hit her head. "I'm getting tired...guys I think I'm going to bed." Alisa yawned and got into bed. I started towards my room when,Maya grabbed my hand and dragged me into her room. "What the hell Maya im tired."I whimpered. "Listen...I think you should have sex with Leo" I stoped being stupid and looked at her shocked. "Wow ok number one that was really straight forward and number two...why?" she looked serious. "Because, just incnase my brother finds you...your gonna wish you were not a virgin. He is immediately fast. No time to get used to it. He will hurt you so much, and not care. Besides, when he raped me he was only he is 21." I looked at her scared to death. "Ok...your right." she smiled a sympathetic and reassuring smile. I walked out and into my room. Leo was not there which meant he was probably in his office. I started taking off my day clothes and started,slipping into pajamas when I heard the door open. I noticed it was Leo AND that I was butt naked!?!?!?


A/N: if you want me to do something descriptive tell me in the comments.

Lots of love and Jelly donuts!!!

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