Chapter 8

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Emilys POV

I was actually really scared to tell them what happened. "um well..." I was to scared of what their reaction would be. "Well he-i-um" I could not think right. "What did he help you with" Leo said it very sternly it almost scared me more. "he helped me hide" I started twisting my fingers around. "Hide from me!? Why would you hide something from me!?" Leo was shocked and worried and disappointed. "Well um, when he stopped you from lifting my sleeve up..." I said quietly. He looked at both my arms. "Well i don't see anything on your wrists or arms...he said you hurt your wrist while helping him last night...they don't look hurt" Leo was confused. " kind of still hiding them" i said quietly again. "Them!? What is them!?" Leo was so confused and hurt and worried but i could not show him. "Austin take me upstairs to the bathroom." I said quickly. "Wait what?" Austin was registering what i had just said. "Just do it!" I yelled sternly and he picked me up bridal style and brought me to my bathroom. My parents were in there room talking about budgets for houses. Hey set me on the toilet and locked the door. "OK so why did I do that?" He asked confused as well by now. "I don't want Leo to see it so I am only showing you...but you have to promise NOT to tell Leo...please." I said and he nodded his head "OK" He said. 

I took off my bracelets to reveal 2 thin cuts from this morning. I looked up at Austin and his eyes were glossy. "i can't believe you would do this" He said and actually started crying next to me. "Please you can't tell Leo it will only make things worse...and i think he might get mad and...leave me" I was scared Leo would leave that was not a lie and i was not going to hide it. "OK...i promise." He unlocked the door and i heard Leo saying something to him. "Dude what is wrong with her what was she hiding?!?!?" I heard Leo saying. "Bro relax she was just showing me something with algebra but did not want you to mess her up about something silly from this morning" I heard Austin say. I was relieved Austin kept his promise but i knew he was going to tell Leo sooner or later so i needed a way to tell him. 

The next day I went with Leo to make his coffee and maybe tell him...

"Hey um Leo.." "Yeah Emie?" He was so calm. "If i told you something i thought would make you...mad...would you want me to tell you?" I asked. Great! What a way to blow your cover about 'keeping cool' Emie!!! (Talking to herself)

"Yea and nothing you could do would make me mad." He was sympathetic and walked over to comfort me. "Leo under any circumstances when i tell you this DO NOT let go of me...just comfort me...i need it" I started crying. "It is OK i won't let go Emie" He cooed and rocked me back and forth. He moved me on the couch where i was sitting on his lap and my feet were on the couch and he was supporting my head. I looked up and him and started crying a little. "don't cry everything is all right" He continued to coo to comfort me. I slowly lifted my Jacket sleeve up to reveal my to thin cuts and started crying even more. When i looked at Leo is eyes were glossy and ready to cry. "Why did you do that to yourself?" He was so comforting. "i-i was stressed about yesterday..." "And well, Ethan protected me from showing you while you were still angry this morning so i thought we were passed out bully ways. He was nice until lunch because i told his girlfriend he helped me." "Leo i was just tired of getting bullied by her i thought maybe if i told her something that she would not like but nothing insulting she would just leave me alone, but instead she blabbed to Ethan and he punched me in the stomach and kicked me in the cut before Austin came. When Austin told him to leave me alone or Ethan would get hurt he dug his finger into my cut while it was still fresh." Austin did not notice." Leo looked so sad and i knew he was upset at Ethan. "Well were going to fix that tomorrow." Was all he said. I held his face and without his noticing pushed my lips against his. He started kissing back and instead of biting my lip, i bit his and he opened so fast i almost had to laugh but i didn't. He looked around my mouth with his tongue exploring everywhere like it would be his last kiss. He picked me up and pushed him against the wall and starting gliding his fingers up my shirt. Before he made it to my bra he pulled away. "You need to get to school because if we don't stop now..i won't stop at all Emily" I started laughing and so did he.  He let me go and i ran outside and got in his car. "Today I am going to give you $1,000 and if Ethan tries beating you up...give him the first $500 if he does it again give him the second." Leo was stern about the rules for this. "Wait what no then he will expect money everyday and i can't do that to you Leo." I was not sure why he was doing that. "Well today were doing it and we will see if he is satisfied with his money or not. If he is not i will send Austin to come get you, you just have to call is all OK?" I nodded and we both smiled at his new plan.

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