chapter 15

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Emily's POV

After getting out papers we left and Leo brought us home. He decided since we got kidnapped because of a traitor who-it turns out was working for Ethan-kidnapped us and brought us to Ethans house.

I was not ready for a child and started buying a lot of pregnancy tests. I was hoping there was a slim chance the doctors were wrong. Or maybe the sperm did not go through...if thats even a thing.

Leo and Jason have been up our butts for a week.

"Are you hungry now?" and anoyying Leo popped his head in. I sighed "no Leo I'm not hungry..." he came in, "look I know I'm probably annoying you but I'm just worried about you!" I walked closer to him and stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. He pulled me closer and I put my arms,around his neck. He put my legs around his waist and pushed me against a wall. He started kissing my neck and gliding his hands up my shirts. I glided my fingers around his warm 6 pack. He brought me to the bed and say me down. He took off his shirt and starting kissing me again. While kissing we could not get my shirt off so he just cut it. I was not worried because he could just get me a new one.

He glided his fingers down to my pants buckle and in,hooked them. As I got up and started taking off my pants he took his off as well.

We,were both in our underwear and Alisa and,jacob came in. Jacob covered his eyes and Alisa kept walking in. "Relax I have seen plenty of guys before" Alisa said and said and say on our bed. I got dressed but not rushing because Alisa has seen me naked and Jacob left. Leo just put some pants on, he was comfortable and knew that I knew he was with me only.

"Ok coming in like that...what's wrong Alisa?"  I asked.

"Well Ethan sent me a message saying that he was TRYING to get us p-" she stopped when she remembered Leo was there.

"Keep going p what?" he said. I liked at her and back at him. "In a parent because he wants to see us in cute outfits!" she said. I looked at her phone. It said pregnant but we were not telling him. "Yep she is right!" I said smiling anxiously.

He looked at us weirdly and said. "Why don't I trust you?" I looked at Alisa and she shrugged her shoulders. I did a couple things with my fingers that we practiced and she left the room. "What was that about?" Leo asked.

Instead of answering I took of my shirt and pants and jumped on him. He fell backwards into the ground and I started kissing him. He kissed back and slipped his pants off. I walked over to the door and locked it. He grabbed me and pushed me onto the bed.

He started kissing my neck and slipping my bra off. He started sucking on one of my breasts and I moaned. He got turned on by that and got totally naked.

I slid his fingers around my panties lace. He put a condom on and stick his man-hood in me. Once we reached our high he toppled on top of me. He started squirting on my legs until I pushed him off me.

"I'm going to go shower your man spray is all over me...gross!" he just laughed and grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. He kissed me. "Eww your man hood is jabbing into my stomach how are you hard from a kiss?!" he laughed and said. "Emie just looking at you makes me hard." he said and I smiled and got up.

He followed and insisted we shower together because we were both dirty. I agreed and we showered.

"Hey where is Jacob?" I asked Alisa as we entered Mayas room for girls night. "He's and something about-shopping for a gift-but it probably means hanging with his guys and then getting me a keychain or whatever." she said and we laughed.

"Hey Maya!!!" we said in unison.

"Hey bad was it...?" she asked. We knew what she talking about.

"Well it hurt...a lot but because I like sex it was only a spec less hurting m if I didn't like sex..." Alisa said. "And for me...I am disgusted that he took my virginity..." I said. "What he did not take your virginity Leo did!" Alia said. "Well...yea but he took my second know, the first time I can enjoy it without pain because the first will hurt at first."

Maya and Alisa nodded there heads in understatement.

The rest of the night we ate popcorn and candy and watched Zootopia and other kids movies...yea we were big little kids...haha

Things were fine after the whole kidnapping thing. It has been a month and there was no texts other than the one saying he was trying to get us pregnant. I have tried like 46 testers and all of them say positive. I am hoping if Leo and I have sex a number of times within a week than he will think the baby is his.

I went to the doctor today and they said that the baby was a boy.

I was happy about the baby....just not the dad...


Nothing to say except wow..

Lots of love and jelly donuts!!!

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