chapter 18

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I'm back haha, I took a break because of I do something for to long I loose interest and I don't want that to happen on wattpad XD

Emily's pov

Ever since the whole 'Ethan coming over' thing, Leo has been like....OVER, over-protective. When I totally understand why but seriously....get off my back XD.

I walked downstairs and Maya followed. "You know, when my brother first raped me my parents didn't do anything about it..." she said as she came into the kitchen. I stopped what I was doing and looked at her. "I thought he only raped you ONCE, AFTER KILLING your parents..."

She looked at me with guilt and started to say something but Alison came in.

"Maya I heard what you said and you better keep going!" she demanded. After Alisons RUDE phase she is actually kinda cute and very funny.

"I was going to! BEFORE you interupted me!-Anyways, he actually raped me 3 times. It was terrible, like, I can remember EVERY detail.'s scary.

What she said scared me, I'm lying either. Just then Leo walked in. "Your mom called." he said with a worried expression. I smiled widly.

"What did she say!?" I asked happily and actually excited. "Emily...Ethan got your parents..." Leo said and my smiled faded. I ran upstairs and the computer face was on still. "Mom!!!" I yelled and she opened her eyes. "On Emilly sweety are,you ok???!!!" she yelled back. I looked over and I realized my mom was naked and had blood on her legs and my dad was beaten up.

How could a 19 year old boy make a 30 year old bleed...

I started crying as I realized my dad was beaten up because he tried to stop Ethan from raping her. That's not right...there,must be other people helping Ethan.

"I'm gonna rescue you guys...Leo will hire the best swat I team I in America and I SWEAR we WILL get you guys out of there!!!


A\N: Hey guys! I know this chapter is short especially considering that I was gone for like...2 or 3weeks. So sorry, it is actually a filter because I didnt know what to right XD

Hope your not mad!

Lots of love and jelly donuts!!!

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