Chapter 17

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Emily's POV

After 3 weeks I had lost 10 pounds and I was not at 110.

I went tho the store to get more clothes that you got my size since the red of my clothes are a tad bit big.

I picked out some nice shirts, skirts, pants and shorts.

"Hey I'm back!!! And Leo said he would be back in an hour!" I yelled across the house. No answer. "Guys did you go shopping or something???" i heard muffled cries. "ALISA!!! MAYA!!! HANG IN THERE IM COMING." I yelled and ran to the kitchen. I grabbed 3 knives and headed to Leo's office. Inside I found a gun and 2 bullets.

I ran upstairs and and into my,room. I grabbed a fire degerant. (every room had one)

I ran to a where I heard the muffled cries and tried opening the door. Crap it is locked. I texted Leo.

Emily: someone has Maya and Alisa locked in a room I can't get in! I have 3 knives, fire detergant and your gun with 2 bullets.

Leo: get the fuck out of the house I don't want you getting hurt it is Ethan!.

Emily: Come home now then I'm NOT leaving them.

I yelled hoping to trick Ethan.


I grabbed the degerant and waited for Ethan to leave the room and come find me. A door opened and I sprayed the detergant. "That's what you get!" and then I stabbed his belly.

"Haha sorry but I have a bullet proof vest, goggles, and stab proof armor." Ethan said smirking. He grabbed my arm and pushed me in the room.

"I'm so sorry you guys...I tried." we cuddled together and it was only then that I noticed they were naked.

"Have you been,banging them,in here?!" I asked prety upset. "Yea" he said smirking. I don't I don't know why but I suddently got angry. "ETHAN MAYA IS YOU SISTER!!!AND ALISA WAS YOUR GIELFRIEND FOR 2 YEARS!!! NOT TO MENCHON ME!!! WE HAVE. BEEN FRIENDS FOR 4 YEARS!!!!" I got up to him and a slapped him. "Oh and btw you didn't take my virginity...Leo did...guess you were late haha" I said and,kicked him in the balls.

I walked over the Maya and Alisa and untied them. "Its 3 against 1 and I think you gave us a BIG reason to fight." we all put up our fists.

He started laughing. "I'm stronger than all of y'all together actually" he said smirking. I realized he might be right but we have to try.

I aimed for his face and he backed up. He touched his lip and came over and punched me in the stomach. "THIS DOESNT SEEM NEW DOES IT?!?! IF I CANT HAVE YOUR BODY RO MYAELF ILL DESTROY IT!!!" He yelled as he heald me by my hair and pushed me to the ground and steped on my stomach. "AHHH!!!" I screamed in pain. He was right...this wasn't knew and since he transfered I would be stuck again...every day. The girls tried getting him off me but he just went to them to. "Please Ethan stop this!" I yelled trying to get up as he went for Alisa and Maya. "He went to Alisa first. Maya and I jumped on his back and he fell on us. "Ahhh!!!!" Maya and I screamed in more pain. He started beating on Maya and when he beat all of us he left.

"How did you do it...?" Alisa asked. "How did I do what?" I asked. "How did you go theough that everyday for 2 years...?" I smiled at her. "You get used to it." I said and got up. I tried helping her but she was in to much pain, so was. Maya.

I walked downstairs to get some patches and cream and I saw Ethan on the floor. "AHHHHH!!!"I scream and he girls came running downstairs even though they were hurt. "What's wrong?!?!?!" Maya asked. I pointed to Ethan and they screamed.

That's when Leo came through the door pretty angry. "I told you not to fucking mess with Ethan Emily!!!" he ran over to me but I backed away in front of the girls.

He noticed we all hurt. "Veto, Jason come here." Leo yelled and two guys came in. "Veto..." Maya said and ran to him while crying. "Jason!" Alisa did the same thing.

"Leo I couldn't just leave them" I said as we sat on our bed. He sighed, "I know I just...I'm selfish, I didn't want you getting hurt" he said.

"I love you Leo" I said and hugged him. "I love you to Emily!" he hugged back.


Aww, how nice

Lots of love and jelly donuts!!!

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