Chapter 19: Final Encounter

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Emily's POV

I realized I wouldn't have much time to get my parents. "Leo we NEED to hire a swat team!" I yelled at him.

"I know and we will but we,don't know how long it will take to get a response or a full team..." he said. And he was right. "Well give like $100,000,000 it is probably nothing to you!!!" I yelled and me nodded his head and went for the phone.

"Maya, Alisa, it think you guys need to stay out of this one. I'm only going because I'll be there to greet my parents..." I said. Maya and Alisas gave stopped but they knew I was right.

Leo came running downstairs and nodded his head after saying- "they will be here-2seconds ago" he said that and the door burst open. I told the swat team everything and they nodded their heads. There was like 40 men with armor and guns.

We got the location that Ethan gave us when I got a call. "Evevryonr be quite!!" I said and answered.

What do you want Ethan?

Aww why all the hate? You know exactly what I want!

Care to explain? I have forgotten.

Always so funny? I want you, your body, your all, you know that.

I shivered but kept going.

And then you will let my parents go?



I hung up and we went inside.

swayed by arm telling a couple guys to follow me. Leo swayed his arms like 5 times in my direction and onsteadbod only 3 people 18 came with me. They surrounded me as we entered a room. "Fire!!!" I heard Ethan say. I ducked heard many shots. Once the shooting stopped I got up. Only to see all my men had been killed and only Ethan was left. "You should end have brought anyone." and said and walked to my dad. "Daddy!!!" I screamed and ran to him but as soon I got there Ethan slit his throat. My mom and I screamed and Leo and 32 other guys came in.

"DADDY!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed over and over. My mom screamed with me. The swat guys shot Ethan like 30 times and got my mom free.

I blacked out from getting hit in the head when people were rushing through.

When I woke up I was in the arms of Leo in front of my mom's hospital bed. "Mom!?!?" I said and she turned to me. I started crying and hugged her. "I'm so sorry mom this is all my fault!" I said as we weaped together. "No sweety, this is Ethans fault only. Your father was a good man but these things happen and everyone has a token of death." she said it so calmly.

*4 years later*

It has been 4 years since what happened. Maya and Veto got married and Alias and Jason got married. So did Leo and I. Actually we were getting married in 16 hours!

"I wanna see him though!!!" I complained as Maya and Alias held me back. "Sweety you can't it is bad luck." my mom said. "Screw luck! I just wanna see him!" I said and Maya and Alias burst out in laughter causing them to let go. On yea almost forgot! After Alisa and I had our baby from Ethan we decided to give them up for adoption. It was just that we were not ready for a children and the dad's (being Jason and Leo),were not thrilled of the REAL dad. Alisa got pregnant with 3 other children from Jasont though. Maya had one kid and even though,i didn't believe in luck, I DID Believe I'm not getting pregnant until your married.

I ran into Leo arms and we kissed.

15 hours later I was walking down the isle with a smiled plastered on my face. We said our vows. "Do you?" "I do" Leo said. "And do you?" "no I wanna wait one more minute for the most important part of my life!" I said and everyone except the paster laughed. "I do" I said giggling.

The actual vows part would be boring so I skipped to the I do parts XD

We kissed and loved happily ever after...


I really hope you enjoyed the story! I'm starting a New story called 'Prank gone wrong' check it out please!

Lots of love and jelly donuts!!!

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