*Chapter 3

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Music flowed softly through the great hall where the party was.

Couples danced along the floor in such a smooth fashion, some might even think they were floating. 

I looked away from the satin ribbons and spotted the kitchen. I quickly hoisted my dress up as I tried to get over to the other room. Rich snobs gave me looks, their eyes racking up and down my clothing. I let out a breath before slamming into the kitchen, my dress was beautiful and it doesn't matter that I didn't spend all of my money on it.

Chefs and workers looked up from their work, a few even looking back down. One quickly rushed from their post and gave a bow. "Hello Miss Mika Lee, I am Ping, the head chef and we are honored for your family to cook with us" the man smiled.

"Yes, yes, my parents should be here soon, they're the ones you should be sucking up to" I smiled before walking away.

"Aang, keep your hat on" a voice whispered angrily. My eyes widened as I found Sokka and Aang. Both were wearing bus boy outfits along with large hats that hid Aang's tattoo. Aang's hat wasn't staying on his head, in fact it moved all around on his head.

"Aang? Sokka?" I asked stepping forward. The two boys instantly stopped bickering and looked up. "You're the girl from the train station!" Aang cheered, a smile taking up almost his entire face. He was definitely a happy and young Avatar. 

Sokka on the other hand looked at me in shock, his eyes falling from my face towards my dress, which made me feel richer than the King himself.

"You can call me Mika" I replied, a small smile forming onto my lips. 

"Well Mika, do you have any meat?" Sokka asked, a look of concern on his face. At first I thought he was joking then I saw he was SERIOUS. "Sadly I do not" I told him, causing him to look down sadly.

A light laugh escaped me "Well you two can always come with me and we can get some meat in the party hall".

Sokka's face instantly lit up, clearly on board. Aang on the other hand looked a little conflicted "Did you happen to see Katara?" he asked before his face blushed a deep red "And Toph! Katara and Toph!" he quickly added on.

Instantly I knew Aang liked Katara. 

"Yes we can get meat and find Toph and Katara" I answered before turning and leading them into the great hall. As we walked, I noticed both of them had a tray filled with crabby goodness called a crab puff.

Aang and Sokka's mouths hung open as they took in the entrance of the room. Sokka's mouth opened even wider as he stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth, causing me to laugh quietly.

  "Another crab puff, please." a female voice asked politely. Sokka, clearly enjoying his meat leaned in with his eyes closed. "You found us!" Aang cheered, clearly seeing the girl was no other than Toph. 

"Hey guys" Katara smiled kindly as she joins the group. Aang's face turns into a soft shade of pink once he sees her but quickly makes it vanish. Opening his eyes, Sokka rolls his eyes before sarcastically saying "Thanks for letting us in".

A look of sorrow covers Katara's face almost instantly "Sorry, but the guy who escorted us in won't let us out of his sight!"

Sokka, Aang and I quickly scan the room, no one was looking at us or even walking towards us. "What guy?" Sokka asks, confusion lacing his voice.

Suddenly the woman from the train station appears, a worried smile plays on her perfect face. "What are you doing here? You have to leave immediately, or we will be in terrible trouble!" she exclaims.

Joo Dee tries to push Sokka but he instantly holds up his tray "Not until we see the king!" he warns. His soft and goofy manner was now serious and intriguing.  "You don't understand. You must go." Joo Dee warned, pushing Sokka on Aang, causing his drinks to fall onto a poor woman.

"Ah!" she screamed looking down at her dripping makeup and wet clothes. Aang instantly apologies "Sorry. No, don't shout". He then airbends the woman, causing her outfit and hair to shoot upwards, but it dries her.

I've never seen an airbender or even airbending so you could say I was just as amazed as the woman. "Oh I didn't know the Avatar would be here!" she cheered loudly. Joo Dee's smiles fades as all eyes shoot to us.

Sokka leans in to Aang who smiles and laughs nervously "You keep their attention while I look for the king." he spoke before grasping my arm. "Come on Mika, you can help me." he smiled before dragging us off into the crowd. 

As we walked through the crowd, I heard Aang yell "Look at this everybody!" and the crowd fell into oohs and ahhs.

"Mika, do you know where the King might be?" he asked, his serious attitude still going strong. "I have no clue, but I know he just wouldn't walk in" I sighed, hoping for some side. "Excuse us" Sokka smiled cheekily as we continued to push through the crowd. 

His hand stayed wrapped around mine as we pushed through. While his eyes looked through the crowd, mine stayed on him.

Suddenly a large palanquin appears in the room, the crowds attention now shifting to the King. "Aang! The King!" Sokka yells before yanking me to get a better view.

With a swoosh, Aang was in front of the Earth King, a large smile on his face. "Greetings, Your Majesty." The King continues walking, and Dai Li agents close in on us. Sokka, who is still squeezing my arm, tries to follow the King but Dai Li agents stop us.

One instantly grabs him, which causes him to yell "Hey! Let us go!"

One grabs my arm before placing an Earth Glove onto my hand, trapping them together. I moved my fingers, trying to bend the rock, but the agent had a hold on the rock, making me unable to bend it.

Sokka who still continued to struggle kept his gaze on me. "Mika!" he called but another rock was clamped over his mouth before he was dragged away.

"Ow! Geez I'm no Queen but be careful, I work with these hands" I warned as I equally struggled against the restraints. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Toph and Katara were also taken by agents.

What was going on?

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