Part 3.7

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You woke up in the Medcentre. There was a nurse droid next to you going back and forth between things.

"Where is Obi Wan?" You asked hoping to recieve a good answer.

"He joined Senator Amindala to find Anakin on Mustafar. I don't think they have left yet." The droid said. Your eyes widened and you climbed off the bed. You rushed out and climbed into an open ship. You flipped some switches and took off for Mustafar.

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You arrived in good time and you walked through halls of a building. You stopped suddenly in one of the rooms. There were dead bodies lying all around. Not just some of your enemies but some of the Jedi. You rushed through that room and made it to an exit. You saw Anakin standing there with Padme.

"I saw your ship." You heard him say.

"Obviously, you didn't see mine." You said.

Anakin turned around to see you standing there.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Anakin! We are all worried about you." You said.

Anakin looked to Padme, "Obi Wan told me terrible things." She said.

"What things?" Anakin asked.

"He said you have turned to the dark side....that you killed younglings." She answered.

Your eyes went wide.

"Anakin! How could you?" You walked down the ramp so you were facing him.

"He is trying to turn you against me." Anakin said to Padme.

You rolled your eyes 'You did all that on your own'  you thought.

"He cares about us." Padme said.

"Us??" Anakin was shocked that Obi Wan now knew.

"He knows, Anakin. Him and y/n are together too." She said glancing at you. Anakin's head shot to you.

"You came here to kill me!" He yelled.

"No! Anakin I came to save you from destroying your life!" You yelled.

Anakin looked down at the ground and then, the two of you felt something. A presence. Obi Wan. He looked up at him and then at Padme.

"You're with him! You've betrayed me! You brought him here to kill me!" He yelled at Padme.

"No! Anakin, I didn't...." She stopped as Anakin lifted his hand and choked his wife.

"No! Anakin let her go!" You yelled.

Anakin kept her there leaving you no choice. You pulled out your lightsaber and he blocked it with his own. You fought him for a while until you felt a pain inside of you. You stopped and moaned in pain. The next thing you knew, you felt a cold tightness around your neck as Anakin lifted you off the ground with the force. You struggled to breathe as he held you tightly.

Then, Obi Wan stepped in and fought Anakin. You dropped to the ground and started to rub your throat as you coughed. You sat up and made your way to Padme's side. You could here the lightsabers clashing against each other in the hallway. They went farther and farther away. You shut your eyes and hoped that Obi Wan would be alright.
You heard the clashing get louder and you looked over to the lava river. You saw Anakin and Obi Wan fighting while standing on cables. They both stopped and looked ahead of them. The river dropped off and they would both die. The fighting continued until Obi Wan jumped to safety on the black sandy bank.
Obi Wan yelled something to Anakin and you watched Anakin jump towards Obi Wan. In the blink of an eye, Anakin was sliced through with Obi Wan's lightsaber. You covered your eyes not being able to watch the rest. You hadn't even realized that 3PO had brought Padme inside the ship. Then, you heard something. A scream.

"I hate you!"

It rang through your ears. Anakin's last words that you heard. But they weren't Anakin's. They were the new sith lord's.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you thought about it. Anakin, your best friend since childhood, was dead. There was no doubt about that. But it wasn't physically dead. He was dead as Anakin. He was now Darth Vader. Obi Wan ran out to you and knelt next to you.

"Is he..."  You asked.

He just nodded. More tears fell.

"I'm sorry." He said.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and burried your tears in his shoulder.
The two of you climbed onto the ship and made your way back to Corroscant. Obi Wan sat down next to Padme as she woke up.

"Where's Anakin? Is he alright?" She asked. Obi Wan looked at her sadly and she slipped back into unconsciousness.

Star Wars!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon