Part 6.10

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Luke hid himself not far from where you were making you nervous as to if he would see you. But he didn't. His father was talking to him keeping his mind occupied from other things.

"You cannot hide forever Luke." Darth Vader's voice was close.

"I will not fight you." Luke called from his hiding.

"Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. For....y/n..." Vader's voice stopped and you felt cold and pale. And especially for....sister! So, you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her too. Obi Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn, then perhaps they will." Vader said.

"Never!!!" Luke yelled and ignited his lightsaber.

He charged at his father swinging his lightsaber wildly. Vader is forced to back up and over a bridge. Luke lashed at his father and Vader falls to his knees. Luke swings at his father and cuts off his right hand. Wires stuck out as Vader wheezed for air.

"Good. Your hate has made you powerful. Now, fulfil your destiny. Take your father's place at my side." The Emperor said.

Luke looked at his father's hand and then to his own. He was becoming so much like his father. He turned off his lightsaber and threw it away from him.

"Never. I'll never turn to thr dark side. You've failed your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me." Luke said.

"So be it, Jedi." The Emperor said.

You knew what was coming next. Luke was going to be killed. Right here and now.

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