Part 7.13

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You screamed as you began to fall. You reached up and grabbed on to something. The falling stopped but the fright never left. You slowly pulled yourself up and headed back up some levels. When you made it to the level that everyone was on, you found Chewie. You climbed up to him and followed where he went. He looked sad and lonely. He pulled out the detonator and pressed the button. The charges blew and the fighters saw it. You walked out into the cold snow. You began to shiver and Chewie handed you Han's jacket. You took it and slipped it on. It was still a little warm.
You followed the tall Wookie all the way back to the Falcon. Chewie got in the copilot seat and moaned for you to sit in the pilot seat. You sighed and leaned over to him,

"You know I have no clue how to fly this thing right?" You asked him.

Chewie growled and shrugged. You smiled and laughed and just did whatever he told you to do. Soon, the ship slowly lifted off the ground and into the air.

"We have to find Rey and Finn." You told him.

Chewie nodded and you began to circle the planet/Starkiller base. There didn't seem to be any sign of them yet. Then, you saw them. Rey was leaning over Finn, crying. She looked up and saw the Falcon. You landed the ship and Chewie went out to grab Finn. He brought him inside and laid him down. You let Rey sit in the pilot seat and you sat behind her. The ship took off as the planet crippled and blew up. The sun reappeared as you took off into lightspeed.

• • • • •

The ship landed perfectly and you all climbed out. The meds took Finn immediately inside. You walked out with your arm wrapped through Chewie's. Your head was leaned against his elbow as you were trying to hold back tears. Chewie patted your hand and you looked up at him. He moan talked and then you hugged him. You loved Chewie so much and didn't want anything to happen to him.
You released him and then went to your aunt. She was ready to give you a hug too. She looked so distressed and upset. You knew she had felt it when Han had died.
You let go and went to go find Poe. When you did, he smiled. You limped up to him and he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Mostly." You answered.

"What happened?" Poe asked, concerned.

"Kylo Ren killed my uncle, right in front of me. I fought with him and he sliced my leg. And I now, more than ever, need to find my father. His life is in danger." You explained.

"Well, first off let's get your leg wrapped up." Poe said.

Once your leg was bandaged you walked down a hall and heard a familiar beeping. You stopped in your tracks and turned around.

"R2! You're awake!" You exclaimed.

The blue and white droid beeped wildly just as happy to see you as you were of him. He told you something which made your heart skip a beat.

"Aunt Leia!" You called starting to rush down halls. "Aunt Leia!" You panted when you finally found her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"R2 -- he has -- map -- BB-8." You said.

"What?" Your aunt asked.

3PO came in and spoke to her, "General, I believe that R2 has some much needed good news." The droid said.

You pointed meaning that that was what you were trying to say.

"Tell me." She pleaded.

R2 rolled around and projected an image into the air. A galaxy. BB-8 got his piece and projected it to fit right in the missing spot.

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