Part 6.3

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You and Luke climbed into your separate ships as the rest of the crew got into the Falcon. They left first, then Luke, and lastly, you. You again followed Luke to the Dagobah system. He was better at flying these things than you were so he was a good distance ahead of you. But it didn't take too much time to get to your destination.

• • • • •

This time Luke was more prepared for the landing so his ship wasn't in the swamp. And neither was yours. But you had to land a little farther away. You made it about three quarters of the way to Yoda's house before you left your lightsaber in your ship. 'Blast!' You thought. You sighed and turned back around. You were jogging and soon it turned into a sprint. You opened the cockpit grabbed your lightsaber and sprinted all the way back.
Luke was already inside and talking to Yoda. You rushed to the entrance,

"I'm sorry I'm late Master Yoda, but I forgot my lightsaber in my......" You trailed off seeing the old Jedi master lying on his chair......dying.

He couldn't be! Not someone else! Not like your father! But this time was different. He wasn't being killed in front of you, he was just dying of old age. Tears formed on the brim of your eyed at the memory of your father. You snapped back to reality to hear Yoda's last words,

"" He said and slowly laid his head down and died.

It took a minute for the two of you to register what Yoda had said. But when you did your eyes grew wide and Luke made eye contact with you. Another Skywalker?! Was it his father? Mother? No they were both dead. Unless.....a sibling? That's it! It had to be!
You and Luke crawled out of the tiny house.

"What did Yoda mean by there being another Skywalker?" You asked.

"I don't know. But it probably means I have a sibling." Luke said. 'Hah! So called it!'  You thought.

"Is this a good thing? Bad thing?" You asked.

"I just don't know anymore. I mean, not long ago when we went to Cloud City I found out that Darth Vader was my father." Luke said.


That hurt! Darth Vader, the man who murdered both of your parents, who killed many inocent people was Luke Skywalker's father. Why should that surprise you? Your father always told you how his apprentice Anakin had turned to the dark side. Why did it never seem to click that Luke's father's name was Anakin Skywalker.

"What?!" You asked Luke shocked.

"Oh! I forgot you didn't know." Luke quickly said.

"You've known for this long and now you bring it up?!" You asked almost hurt.

"Why are you taking this so hard?" Luke asked.

You paused before answering. You weren't sure if you should burden Luke like this.

"I don't think I should tell you." You admitted.

"Come on, you can tell me anything." He said.

"Back on Cloud City I also found out about my mother's death. How she died." You said and made eye contact with Luke.

You took a deep breath, "Darth Vader, your....father, he killed her." You said.

Luke didn't look all that burdened but a little upset.

"I'm so sorry." He said patting your hand.

Tears had begun to fall down your cheeks. "And now knowing this makes it harder 'cause I know who Darth Vader truly is." You said with a giant lump in your throat.

"Hey, shh. It's okay." Luke said envoloping you in a hug.

He stroked your hair and calmed you down.

"I'm sorry. I had to get a few tears out." You said.

"Everyone needs to sometimes." Luke said.

You gave him a half smile and followed him to his ship. He began to move things around and then sighed and knelt down to R2.

"I can't do it R2. Not by myself." He said.

Then, he was there that ghostly figure that always made the hairs on your neck stand up when he spoke,

"Yoda will always be with you." You didn't have to confirm it as Luke said his name, "Obi Wan."

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