♱Chapter 11♱

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Raven's P•O•V

Sitting at the dining table was torture within itself. Might I say that Alec's distant family was a lot more intimidating than his immediate family. I kept catching glimpses of Piper and Irina watching me as one question after the other was asked. It was almost like they could sense the anxiety radiating off of me.

"So, we've heard you're from The United States," Alec's uncle, whose name I had learned to be Zachariah, spoke. I nodded and swallowed the sip of wine I had taken.

"Yes. I, uh, I'm from New York City," I said sheepishly. The woman beside Zachariah, his mistress Akantha, raised her eyebrows in interest, staring at me from under her eyelashes. She looked no older than 24, yet she had the eyes of someone who had lived long and seen many things. Her blonde hair was almost so pale, it looked white. She sipped at her chalice filled with the thick red liquid that almost mistakenly would've looked like red wine to the naked eye. She didn't say a word and continued to watch me with guarded eyes.

"What's it like?" I heard a woman's voice come from behind me. Everyone looked up and I saw Dimitri smile. I had a feeling that was going to be a rare sight even though I'd only known him a day or two.

"Mother," Was all he said before getting out of his seat. I watched him as he kissed the hand of the woman behind me. She smiled at him.

"Dimitri," She greeted him with a warm tone. She looked over the table as she smiled at the rest of her family. Finally, her eyes caught mine and I felt a lump form in my throat. She only looked sixty at most. If Alec's mother and father were centuries old, then how old was his grandmother...?

"Raven, this is Vega. My grandmother," Alec introduced us.

"It's lovely to meet you, Raven. I've heard so many good things about you," Vega said, smiling warmly. I smiled in return, not feeling as intimidated by her as I had with the rest of the extended family. Dimitri pulled out a chair for her and took her fur coat and passed it to one of the waiters. Vega thanked him and sat.

"I'm sorry for being so late. You know how Lord Marco can be," She sighed, speaking of some business. I didn't know if I'd ever begin to understand all this whole Vampire royalty business. If I even stayed here long enough...

"Late or not, it's lovely you came," Irina stated and smiled at her mother-in-law.

"Of course! How could I miss my own grandson's aging?" Vega exclaimed and smiled at Alec. A waitress came up with an empty chalice and placed it in front of Vega.

I stared at it in confusion until I saw the human girl pull out a knife and cut deep into her palm. I gasped and stared in shock. The family barely seemed phased by it. I looked around the table and noticed as their eyes brightened into the color of rubies. The waitress squeezed her palm over the chalice and let the thick blood pour into it.

"Mulțumesc," Vega thanked her. The girl left with a nod. I was at a loss for words. Why had they given already full glasses to the rest of the Royal family? Why hadn't they cut into their palms before?

Too many questions flooded my mind. I looked up from the glass to Irina, then back to the glass, then up to DeMalo. DeMalo seemed to have this sort of smirk on his face, almost like he took pleasure in me having to watch this. The sadistic look he had made my body run cold.

I stuttered and looked around the table at the faces. I felt like gagging. I knew they had been drinking blood this whole time, but the reality of it hadn't hit me yet.

My face flushed as I could feel my head start to pound. My head snapped to Vega as she spoke,

"Raven? Are you alright?" She asked with concern. Alec looked at me with furrowed brows and softly reached out to my arm. I shot out of my seat and felt myself regain my voice.

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