9 - Breaking Rules

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Your (Jaemin) POV

Seeing master's misunderstanding, made my heart urged for an explanation. My mouth was opened, but I couldn't make a sound.

The only thing I could do was catch up with him and reach for the edge of the fibre. I looked down and didn't make a sound until I felt master turned to face me. "It's not like that..." I managed to whisper out.

No one's POV

"It's not like that..." Jaemin whispered. Jonghyun cupped her cheeks and gently raise them to face him. "Sorry... I didn't mean to be mad." Jonghyun wrapped his arms around Jaemin and softly said into her ears.

Jonghyun POV

Looking at Jaemin, I don't no why, why I wanted to comfort her, why I wanted to hug her, why I wanted to be protective over her. I trapped her in my warmth and apologized.

Your (Jaemin) POV

Master hugged me. He placed my head on his chest, listening to his melodic heartbeat. It was so warm and secure in his hug.

I felt my heart beating faster and heat boiling on my cheeks. I enjoyed this moment until my mind snapped me out of this.

I reminded myself : Love is not allowed! I wanted to back away from my master, but he was holding me tight.

Master seemed to sense my movements. "Oh... Um.. sorry..." Master backed away awkwardly and rubbed his nape and blushes could be seen on both of your cheeks.

Silence flew in the air again. "Um... maybe you bring to coffee to the dining table a bit later, I'll be in shower." Master broke the silence and slipped away quickly.

I exhaled the breathe I was holding a while ago and patted on my chest. I broke the rules again... You shook my head, wanting to erase my memory and start working.

A/N: Did I change the Point Of Views too often? I just want to cover all the characters' feelings. And sorry for the short update(o´ω'o)ノ Remember to vote, comment and follow me~ Thanks for reading~♥

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