10 - Heartbeat

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No one's POV

Jaemin carried the set of coffee and all different kinds of sugar to Jonghyun's room. She knocked at the door but there was no responds.

Jaemin then went to lay the set on the shelf nearby the washroom and knocked the door. But before she finish her action, the door flipped open and Jonghyun walked out, shirtless...

He's wearing his jeans, just jeans ONLY. Water was dripping from his hair, perfectly laid on his nose and cheeks.

He is shirtless, revealing his perfect tanned abs, his muscular arms and built-up chest.

Jaemin's jaws dropped and immediately buried her face into her hands. Jonghyun was frozen when he saw Jaemin in front of him. "S-sorry! Master!" Jaemin stuttered and clumsily move away. She knocked the pot of flower down. "Watch Out!!" Jonghyun swiftly pulled Jaemin with him and dodged the pot.

But accidents always happens.

Jonghyun slipped onto the water and pushed Jaemin to fall with him. It's wasn't a harsh fall, but the point is that Jonghyun was laying on Jaemin.

Jonghyun slowly used his arms to prop his weight and locked Jaemin on the ground. The droplets of water waked Jaemin.

Her eyes fulttered opened and immediately blushed. Her heart raced really fast and was likely falling out at this moment.

Jonghyun half-conciously shook his head and met Jaemin's gaze. "M-master..." she called out hoping her master can move away.

Jonghyun got up and Jaemin too but buried her eyes with her hands and recoiled with an apologize.

Her heart is flipping hard, like it will jump out anytime. She held her chest after Jonghyun walked in the washroom and closed the door. She inhaled as much air as she could to calm down.

Jonghyun was left dumpfounded in the washroom. He set his weight on the side of the sink and looked into the mirror "What were you doing KIM JONGHYUN!" He then grabbed his shirt and put on it. A troublesome sigh again was exhaled.

Your (Jaemin) POV

Your heart is pacing fast. You held your hands on your chest, hoping not to let your heart fall out. You inhaled and exhaled again and again to calm yourself down. A familiar ringtone got your attention, you took out your phone and saw a meesage from Onew.

'Are you mad with me...
from onew'

'No of course not! And thank you...
from Jaemin'

'Really~ Yah~ Soooo, can we met again if you are free? Plzzzz~
from onew'

'Ok~ promise. But I don't know when will be the time.
from Jaemin'

'Deal!^ω^ Call me if you have time~ (Flyin Kiss~
from onew'

You giggled at the cute message Onew sent to you. You were thankful that Onew stopped your raving heart. You exhaled deep again and took the tray of set to the kitchen to heat it up again.

A/N: OMG!! Sorry for not poating so long again because my studies is goin heavier... There will be exams soon...>﹏<

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