31 - Distance

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Your (Jaemin) POV

I looked out at the window and held my hands on my chest, feeling my rapid heart beat jonghyun broght me. Am I in... in love? In love with my master?

I broke the rules... I mustn't be in love with him. I am just a maid but nothing...

I shouldn't be sleeping here, doing nothing in the late morning. I shouldn't let myself being served by someone. I shouldn't be served by my master. I shouldn't let my guard down.

I am just a slave. I need to draw the boundary, maybe it's good for me and for jonghyun...

I jumped of the bed quickly forgetting my sick. I dress myself on and looked into the mirror. Good. But as I try to walk a good fair step. My head swung in dizziness again.

I almost fall back on bed, but I won't allow myself to. I can't fall in front of my Master. "I am fine." I reminded myself. I walked out to find jonghyun.

"Mast-" I said in my clear voice to gain his attention, "Why are you here?! I told you to stay on bed." he cut in. "Master I am fine." I said using my most convincing voice. "No, you are not." he tried to walk near, but quickly I hold out my hands. "Don't come near!" I shouted making him jump a little. "M-master, I mean let me do the job."

"Why are you so stubborn?" he asked while slowly putting down the tools. I nodded in satisfy as he did that. "Because that's what a maid should do." I answered decently.

Jonghyun POV

She is weird? Did she burn her drain or what? Whenever I tried to come near she backs away. Like placing the north pole of magnet together. Have I did something wrong?

It's really wired... I looked Jaemin sweeping the floor from far on the sofa. Maybe I should ask about it. Or... shouldn't I. I was really confused. She will walk away if I come near so how can we actually have conversation?

As messes roamed in my brain, the telephone cut it of. Who's there to interupt me thinking... I growled and picked up the phone. I greeted coldly "Hello, it's Madam christine here." I quickly clear my voice "Oh! It's Jonghyun." sounding a little cheery. "I am making a visit later today, just making sure if you're free." "It's fine I'm free." I peeked at the clock. "Meet you later." I added and we ened the call.

Immediately, my smile faded. I think I really need to talk to Jaemin. I stood up and walked toward Jaemin who's coming out from the kitchen.

"Jaemin." I called her name quickly when she decides to turn back in.

"Yes..." she answered softly. "You're wired today... What's wrong?" I asked worrily as I stepped closer. "W-wired? What wired? I'm fine." she stuttered but faked a smile. I blocked the exit of the kitchen with my arm, just before she escape. "Tell me why." I ordered. But she just swung her head and step back.

I was going to use the hard way as she gave up the easy way to answer. But before I make my move, she kneeled down a little bit and ran away from under. She shouted softly as she ran to the door"Master, I am picking up stacks at the market."

I sighed and frowned. Why's that difficult to answer? FINE. I will jist need to ask again when she came back.

Your (Jaemin) POV

I rushed out quickly before master can stops me again. Am I that wired? I was just keeping distance. I sighed and slowed down my steps. Should I tell him? But how? Saying that because I'm a maid. Is that even a reason? It's not convincing enough.

I thought for a reason during my way. A reson that's good enough for convincing Jonghyun... What could it be?

Jonghyun POV

After some time past when Jaemin went away, I stood at the door, waiting for her. Aish... Why am I so posessive over her now. I ran my fingers in my hair and licked my dry lips. Paitiently waiting for her.

As I expected, after serveral minutes, the door flipped open. "Master?!" she said maybe surprised by my presence. "You're back..." I didn't bother to close the door but pulling Jaemin and pin her on the wall holding on both of her wrist.

The bags of gloceries fell and rolled everywhere. But I didn't care. I looked into her eyes deeply. "Why are you avoiding me?" I asked a little pissed. "Master, we shouldn't be in this position..." she glide her eyes aside focusing on something else while struggling for free.

I moved closer and closer until I felt her rapid breathe on my neck. I can feel the heat of her cheeks burning onto mine. But still she didn't put any of her attention on me, making me more pissed.

I grapped both of her wrist on one hand and brought them up above her head, pressing them onto the wall. And held her chin up with my free hand, connecting our eye contact. "Answer me..." I ordered furiously.

Suddenly the door flipped open again. And it seemed that we are getting in real trouble...

A/N: I think this fic is ending in few chappies. I know it's short xd but i tried my best to lenghten it already thanks for all ur support~ hope you guys like this chapter. Vote Comment and Thanks for reading.

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