26 - In The Rain

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Jonghyun POV

It's just few minutes before Jaemin left for her day off. But my heart squeezed and bounced messily.

I tried to convince myself to stay calm. But my mind kept thinking of all possibilities, probabilities and eventualities. Sences of two running through my mind uncontrollably.

What would Onew and Jaemin be doing?!

And suddenly an idea came like rush and I ran out quickly. My plan's to 'encounter them after my job.' Well I am totally free today but I should've got things to do, because that's what I told Jaemin.

I hopped in my car and drove to the nearest bus stop. And... Yes! I made it just in time to watch Jaemin step on bus.

I traced her wherever she goes. But the destination wasn't a place to date.


Jaemin and Onew met at the entrance and walked in together. She was wearing plain dark, so do the boy.

The sky was as dry as the mood here. Although there were birds, but I never heard them singing. Although there were flowers, but they didn't look as colorful as they should've been.

I followed them in. And I can't help blaming myself. Blaming me for not accompanying her, for not listening to her, for being childish.

Jaemin and Onew stopped in front of a dark stele with surenames of 'Park' engraved on it. Her eyes were full of infinte sorrow and pain.

They both kneeled down to land their flower in front.

Your (Jaemin) POV

"Mum... Dad... Long time no see." I whispered the words out, trying to hold my tears. It've been years long already after my parents' death, but I still can't let it go. The pain's always here.

It's good to have Onew here. But I still feel more lonely today... He held my hands like always to give me support when I was young. He never forget to accompany me.

I talked a lot to my parents. And I hope the gentle wind can bring my words to them. I know they were always here. But I am just not strong enough to console myself.

It have been an hour already. I look at Onew and fake a smile "Maybe you can go first. You have practise don't you?" "But-" "Not buts!" I ceased Onew and let go his hand. "Ok... Text me when you get home!" I nodded with a smile and waved at the running boy until his shadow was gone in sight.

My smile dropped. I really want someone to be aside. I sat on the banch beside and took out my wallet. That's where I kept my only picture with my family. Although it wasn't a perfect one, but it worths a lot.

All our other photos were burn to ashes in fire. I looked at the picture of us smiling happily. And inhaled a deep breath to prevent being emotional.

But my breath started to sped up and my hands shivered badly as the sky and clouds roared madly like my heart. Tiny droplets of raindrop started falling from the sky, telling their glooms and sorrow.

But no one ever saw, no one ever heard, I shed teardrops in the rain.

Jonghyun POV

The wind was blowing badly and a rainstorm could be forecasted. People are spreading away for shelters, but not Jaemin. That girl sitting there wasn't moving and she doesn't know that someone was worrying about her body condition.

I slowly walked toward her madly. Does she know the weather was bad?! I wanted to pull her away and give her a lesson. But hiccups of a weak voice slipped between sound of water drops.

This time with no hesitant, I rushed to her and pulled her up.

"Do you know it's rainning big?! You may get a fever! And I need to take care of you. And next time find a better person for holding hands and to stay with you! Don't cry alone, I am always here..."

I gave her no time for words and I snaked my hands over her waist. Crashed my lips onto hers. Deeply and harshly. I am not letting her get away this time.

Her hands were on my chest to push me away, but with her weak arms, that wasn't possible.

Surrendering, she put her guards down.

Her boiling tears rolled on my cheeks, but I would use my hand to wipe that away. She hugged me tight like a child and I would let her hide in me.

We were all wet but it doesn't mind. She might be cold, so I would hold her tighter. She might breakdown and I will be there for her, I won't let that happen.

I broke for air and held her head to my chest letting her cry. "Let it out, I'm here... Always and forever..."

A/N: And A Kiss as a little gift for you guys~ Is it the first kiss? I don't remember but I guess it is a yes~ So what do you think, kiss and teardrops in the rain. Like it? Vote Comment and Thanks for Reading~♥

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