[Chapter 1] Prologue

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Narration (Nobody's POV)
Marinette abruptly woke up to the sound of her mum yelling at her on top of her alarm clock ringing. She slammed the off button and slowly dragged her eyes over to look at the time.

"Mmmm E-eight am?..." She grumbled.
"E-EIGHT AM oh my god tikki! Why didn't you wake me up! I'm going to be late again!"

She yelled as she viciously organised her things, got dressed, swiftly grabbing a slice of salmon and spinach pie before kissing her mother and father on the cheek. Marinette rushed out of the bakery in her usual attire, she arrived just 2 minutes before the school bell and as she was racing to her locker she crashed into someone and went tumbling on the floor.

Adrien's POV
Ouch, that really hurt. There's only one person capable of such a clumsy act.
I turned around to see an adorable bluenette on the floor rubbing her head because of the impact that struck both of us.

"Are you okay Marinette?"

I giggled at her clumsy actions and offered a helping hand while staring into her bluebell eyes.

Marinette'S POV
Im such an idiot! First thing already in the morning and I already ran into somebody ontop of that it had to be my crush Adrian Agreste!!

"Y-yes Thankyou so much Adrien, I-I-I'm so so sorry."

I took his hand and quickly stood back up on my feet. I looked up at his face and was captivated by his mesmerising emerald eyes. I turned beet red as I stared into his eyes.

The two were interrupted by the sound of the school bell ringing, Marinette quickly packed her books and walked with Adrien to class. Her movements were awkward and stiff, much like an action figure.

*Time skip to lunch break*

Marinette'S POV
"Alya, wanna come grab some lunch with me at the canteen today? I forgot my lunch because I was almost late again."

"Sure girl, you'll be treating me though!"

"Okay." I grumbled.

We both made our way to the canteen and boy was the line long. Alya and I were chatting till it was our turn to order. We bought our food and made our way back to the classroom, unfortunately our seats weren't open anymore.

"Ahahaha. Oh Adrikens! You'll definitely come to school dance with me won't you?" A certain brat whined.

She winked at Adrien while leaning over Marinette's seat attempting to peck him on the cheek.

"Hold up Chloe! What do you think you're doing in MY seat. You can't just take other people's seats." I growled.

This was just an excuse to prevent her making any further contact with Adrien. I didn't mind other people sat in my seat, if so Alya and I would just make our way to the school courtyard and sit in our usual place but the fact that it was Chloe of all people makes me gag.
I totally forgot about the school dance! It's in 2 weeks I need to start preparing my dress.

"I can do whatever I want. I don't want a measly peasant who doesn't know her place scolding me."

She scowled as she glared a threatening stare at me because I ruined her moment with Adrien.

Adrien's POV
This doesn't seem like it's going to end well...
I'm glad Marinette stepped in though, otherwise I would've been smothered with Chloe's kisses till the bell. Phew.
Plagg poked his head out of my pocket.

"I'm so tired of listening to the bickering of humans. Can't you all just relax and enjoy camembert, it's so much less complicated than arguing."

I groaned after listening to this little careless creature complaining.
I stood up to try and stop Marinette and Chloe from arguing.

"Can't we all just go back to our original seats and peacefully have our lunch like always?" I gave a radiant smile whilst saying this, hoping it would somehow help the situation. Both girls quietly shuffled back into their seats and carried on with their normal lunch routine.

Marinette's POV
"Chloe just-just fires me up with her sickening approaches towards Adrien. Her cocky attitude, big ego... URGHH." she groaned just loud enough for Alya to hear but not loud enough for the two boys Infront of them to notice.

"Girl, i know she is absolutely horrible. But there'll always be someone like her you just gotta deal with it unfortunately."

She gave me an empathetic look and a pat on the shoulder. We proceeded to eat our lunch. Chloe certainly added an unpleasant twist to the day but I wasn't going to let that ruin my day. I packed my things and yelled.

"I'm going off to my garden of inspiration!"

Alya winked, then nodded at me but before I could leave the classroom I heard a small voice attempting to shout my name. It was Nathaneal.

(Throwing in some good o'l nathanette because I love this little tomato👀)

"M-Marinette! I was hoping if i could um, j-join you if you don't mind." He stuttered while his cheeks were quickly turning into a deep pink shade.

"Of course." I smiled and waited for him to finish packing and we quickly made our way out the classroom.
As we were conversing I accidentally bumped into someone again. I recognised this figure, it was the same one from this morning.

"A-a-a-a-a-ADRIEN! Sorry."
I slightly bowed in embarrassment and slowly looked up at his face guiltily.
He simply smiled and giggled before walking over to Nino, his best friend.
Soon after Adrien said his goodbye and entered a large black car with a gorilla like driver in the front.

"Shall we go?" Nathaneal squeaked.

"Mhhmm." I replied.

We slowly walked around Paris before reaching our destination. It was my favourite place, it was a beautiful luscious, green, flourished park placed right before of the iconic Eiffel Tower. It's so calming and relaxing to just feel the breeze brush against my face. Well it was, until I saw a young, blonde boy in winter clothes modelling beside a fountain. It was Adrien.

OMG hello beansprouts. First of all to anyone who made it this far in the fanfic Thankyou for taking time to read this. It's my first time ever creating a fan fiction, I hope to be able to somewhat satisfy you. Oh! Btw call me Chisaki~ I'm the author of this book! :D I feel so fancy calling myself an author. Please leave comments telling me how u thought it was. Oh and every cover image for each chapter is drawn by me hope you like them❤️sorry guys! Enjoy~ cuties<3

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