[Chapter 9] Lost

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Marinette's POV
I stumbled and crawled backwards hitting my head against my desk drawers. I flinched from the pain but when I opened my eyes it was too late. The butterfly had entered my earrings. I heard Tikki collapse on the floor but I did not dare to go to her. Hawkmoth is inside of me, I cannot let him see Tikki through my eyes, my identity is at risk no matter how much I want to hold Tikki and take her to Master Fu I'm sure she'd prefer my identity to be hidden. I clenched my fist. My nails dug into my skin causing it to bleed, it hurt me so much to hear Tikki crying in pain from the Akuma defiling her.

"Tikki...." I cried.

A deep voice resounded in my mind.

"Hello Miss Fortune, are you sick of having the world cause so much misfortune upon you? Don't you want get rid of everything that causes you pain and suffering? I can help you accomplish that with the request of one small favour in return. Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculouses.
Well what do you say?" He snickered.

"NO. I will never say yes to you, you're the one creating these catastrophes. I refuse to put my loved ones in danger because of my own selfishness. You will not have it your way hawkmoth!" I shrieked.

"But was it not that young man Adrien that caused you that pain? Was he not the one you loved dearly? He broke your heart, poor girl. Surely you must resent him, even if you cannot feel it I can sense the rage in your heart. It screams for revenge. It wouldn't hurt to borrow my power, it wouldn't hurt to give your bully a few fists either. If he truly loved you would he have betrayed your feelings like that? I think not. He must've ridiculed your feelings for him. Come now, join me and together we can obtain ultimate power and once we do I can grant whatever wish you desire."

"R-really....? Anything?" I stuttered.

I could feel my greed, sorrow and anger swell up inside of me. It was like something was about to burst. A rush of negative thoughts burst that cap off, I could no longer resist.

"I-I'm sorry Tikki...no more. I'm sick of being deceived all the time. Nobody will ever acknowledge poor little Marinette, I'm probably the worst Ladybug in history. I don't think I can do this any longer I just want to be by myself. If I have to be by myself in order to not let anybody hurt me, I'll strip this city of it's love. If I can't have it nobody will!" I cried.

Tikki's eyes widened and tears began welling in her eyes.

"Marinette! No! Don't give in please. I love you for who you are, Alya, your parents, Chat Noir....Everybody in around you loves you don't ever doubt love! MARINETTE!" She squealed.

"Say goodbye to ladybug....."

Large orbs of maroon and purple lights covered my body and I became somebody unrecognisable. My ladybug suit turned pitch black with maroon spots, my lips were painted black and my lucky charm became a sharp silver dagger with purple and gold embroidery. The evil in me grew and shut out the old sweet Marinette. I watched as the new me engulf Paris in hatred.

"I am now Miss Fortune! And I will take every last drop of happiness this city has to offer! Ahahah!"

Adrien's POV
"Plagg! Did you hear that! Time to transform. Claws out!"

A body tight leather suit wrapped around my body along with a black mask which altered my eye colour.

"Let's see who's causing a ruckus now."

I launched myself outside of my huge window, I heard the sound of terrified citizens screaming in horror. I ran towards the Eiffel Tower, the sounds of crashing and collision grew louder as I approached it. I looked to see somebody familiar. She looked a lot like ladybug except with a different suit.... could it be?
She turned around. There's no damn way I would ever mistake that face for someone else's. It was M'lady....

"Oh no... what've I done." I whimpered

"There is the man that shattered everything! My ambitions, my feelings, my heart, my courage, my strength, my soul... everything was crushed. You deceived me and you shall pay the price!" She shouted

"Ladybug! I love you. I love you more than anything in this world. You're my everything. The sun to my moon, the sight to my eyes, the warmth to my heart. Why would you become like this? What happened to Tikki!" I shouted.

"Yes, I know you love Ladybug. But you don't love Marinette. You never loved Marinette, you deceived her you wench. You who took advantage of her feelings for Adrien and deceived her. You had no intention of loving her, your eyes did not sparkle the same way when the girl behind the mask spoke to you. It was all a damn lie. I guess I am thankful, after all you provoked my awakening. Marinette will no longer surface. I'll be sure to lock her deep inside of me and by the time I'm done with this city her consciousness will be gone, she will cease to exist. Ahahaha!" She scoffed.

"I refuse to let you take my beloved away from me that easily. I will stop you!" I yelled.

"HMPH! Try me, you're nothing but a worthless sidekick you petty hero. Watch me destroy your city, try stopping me if you can pussy cat!" She snickered.

"You're on." I hissed.

I began chasing her, it was no use I was never faster than Ladybug she completely outran me. Luckily I could still find her by listening to the sounds of her creating a ruckus. I watched her pierce the citizens of Paris with her dagger, it did not kill them. They simply became pale and did not wake up. Almost as if they were brain dead. I need to put a stop to this and take back my lover.

Wait for me Marinette, I'm coming for you.

Author's note: HERRO! It's 3am and I have no life so why not write a chapter? Enjoy you wonderful children💕
Bug out! Miraculers❤️✨🐞✌️️👀

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