[Chapter 23] Tonight

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(Don't play the song yet! Please listen to it :))

Marinette's POV
I gently grasped Adrien's hand and he lead me to the center of the dance floor with him. Adrien winked at Nino who gave him a thumbs up. Nino then put a CD in the laptop which connected to the speakers.

"Follow my lead." Adrien whispered.

I nodded nervously.
It was a beautiful and slow song called In The Rain.

(Now play the song :))

(For those who don't know it's the same song that played when Adrien offered Mari the umbrella. Yanno, the origin episodes.)

The song began to play slowly, I followed the same step sequence as him and caught on. We realised people began forming a circle around us, they were watching us dance. I lowered my head, I became really anxious and nervous. I don't want this attention. What if i mess up? More negative thoughts crowded my mind.

Adrien's POV
What's wrong with Marinette? I watched a small drop of sweat slip down her neck. I could feel her body faintly trembling. She's anxious. I gently pulled her face towards mine and stared into her eyes.

"Marinette. Look at me." I said before gently pushing my lips against hers.

The crowd gasped and clapped their hands, with an exception of Adrien's fangirls who were whining and crying in the back. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Marinette's eyes wide open. I pulled away and smirked, she giggled and rolled her eyes.

"My, my, kitty couldn't wait."

I leant down and nuzzled her forehead against mine. As the song became louder towards it's end, I spun Mari around. We did all sorts of slow twirls and lifts. The song ended and I held Mari up so she was hovering above me and her arms around my neck. We were both huffing and breathing heavily but I was happy, happy that I could experience my first school dance with Marinette. The love of my life. Everybody cheered and clapped their hands, they were amazed by our 'performance'. Just before I was about to put Marinette back on her feet she cupped my face with her hands and kissed me. I kissed her back and hugged her tighter. I could hear Alya taking photos and fangirling but I ignored her. I let go of Marinette and we both left the dance floor, Nino got off the stage and we all gathered with our class at the corner of the hall.

Marinette's POV
Everyone started to dance again and finally, it was the last hour of the night. The teachers began pulling out large white tables and chairs for the students to sit. Everyone sat within their groups except for Chloe and Sabrina. Mr Damacles walked on stage and cleared his throat.

"Good evening students, this may be your last dance together. By the end the year, perhaps even earlier. Some of you will be going to different places to study for your futures. Some may be going to a different University, others may be attending a boarding school and so on. I know for a fact that most of you have already decided on your future. *sniff* My point is make the most out of tonight! Alright I'll hand it over to the students now."

Everyone began tearing except Rose, she already broke into tears. Alya walked on stage and dragged Adrien and I with her. Mr Damacles handed her the mic and walked off the stage with tears in his eyes.

Alya gave me the mic and pushed me on stage with Adrien before walking off the stage.

"Do your thing girl!" She shouted.

Everyone laughed at me when I tripped over my own feet. Luckily Adrien caught me.


"H-Hello! I'm Marinette and I am here to represent our class. It has been a rough year but everything each and every one of us has experienced has become a major influence on our life. It may not have been the best time of our life, especially when Chloe was the reason for most of the strange villains."

Everyone but Chloe laughed.

"I-I'm great full for everything that has happened this year, it has certainly changed me as a person and I'm sure it changed you too." I said.

I began crying.

Adrien took the mic out of my hand.

"The time I spent here was definitely the shortest compared to everyone. But that did not stop me from making friends, learning new things, experiencing new things and it certainly did not stop me from falling in love. I remember the first time I met Marinette Dupain Cheng, Chloe stuck gum on her seat and when I tried to remove it she mistook me for the culprit. It was quite funny. Throughout the short period of time I've known her, I'm proud to say that we've become closer and closer. I am proud to call myself her boyfriend and I love her more than anything and anyone. Many people have found their matches like Marinette and I. I hope to be with her forever and I wish you all the best of luck in the future. Thank you."

I picked up her hand with the ring and held it up.

"Dude, is that a proposal!" Nino shouted from the back of the hall.

Marinette and i flushed red and scratched the back of our necks.

The audience cried and cheered whilst watching us leave the stage. It was now time to go. Everyone was running around, trying to take photos with their classmates and friends and giving farewell hugs.

I walked up to Adrien and smiled at him.

"Thank you Adrien, that was sweet of you."

"No need for thanks, I only told the truth."

We stared into each other's teary eyes.

"Je t'aime." We whispered in sync.

The clock struck 12, the sound of the school chime could be heard from afar and just like that their high school life ended.

Author's note:
YO! I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! I know it was pretty lousy but I couldn't think of anything. I know I keep saying this but the next chapter will probably be the last or the following chapter after that. I love you all and THANKYOU so much for 5k views❤️✌️
Alright, ciao!

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