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  A/N: This is Dark x Anti and normal Septiplier. Using cartoonjunkie's Dark and Anti, Azunichan's dark side of Ken and Felix, and my own version of Mad!Cry and Virus!Cry. Based off of Heathens by twenty one pilots: 

      Mark and Jack were walking through a dark corridor, keeping close to each other. It was like some twisted nightmare that came to life. There was blood spattered along the walls, the floor and the ceiling. A few bones were scattered along the floor. Scratches and burn marks marred the walls and random doors. The screens were glitching out in the dimly lit hallway. Jack whimpers a bit and moves closer to his boyfriend.
      "Mark... We need to leave..." Jack whimpers, looking up at Mark. Fear was clearly written on his face.
      "I know Jack.. But I'm not seeing an exit anywhere.. We have to keep going," Mark says, trying to soothe Jack. The two pick up their pace only to stop when the dimly lit hallway plunged into complete darkness. Jack and Mark grip each other tightly and were starting to panic. The panic rose even more hearing two different voices singing. It was impossible to locate where they were coming from as the voices echoed all along the hallways.

"All my friends are heathens. Take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don't make any sudden moves
You don't know the half of the abuse~"
"We don't deal with outsiders very well
They say newcomers have a certain smell
You have trust issues, not to mention
They say they can smell your intentions"

      The lights turn on and two figures stand before them. Mark and Jack look at the two people and they instantly recognize the figures. It was Darkiplier and AntiSepticEye. Just as Mark was about to speak, Anti puts a hand up to stop him. Four more figures appear, finishing the circle around the two YouTubers. Jack saw that they were dark sides of Felix, Ken and Cry. However, there were two different Crys. One was more bloodied and the other more computer like. The four look at Mark and Jack, the one who looks like Ken sniffs them curiously.
      "Who do you know?" says the bloody looking Cry. He approaches them and leans his face near Mark's neck. Mark had lost his voice.
      "Uhm, you're Mad!Cry right? And that's Virus!Cry?" Jack says. The bloody Cry, or Mad, grins and reveals some rather sharp fangs.
      "W-who are those two?" Mark manes to ask, slowly raising his arm to point at the unknown dark sides.
      "Wow, he found his voice~ Darki, why don't you answer~?" Anti says, leaning on Dark, causing the taller dark side to chuckle.
      "Of course. The one that looks like Felix is Flame!Pewds. And the one that looks like Ken is Beast!Ken," Dark answers.
      "W3ll w3 4r3 d0n3 h3r3 I think," Virus says. He seems to disappear in a flash of blue. Mad just laughs insanely and disappears through a door. Beast just growls at them and stalks off, Flame following, making sure to light the floor near the couple as a warning. Anti jumps into Dark's arms and the two disappear through a different door. After seeing the dark sides leave, Mark and Jack keep walking forward. But no matter how far they walked, it just seemed to loop. They went through different doors but they were trapped. They collapse on the floor, tired and scared. Anti and Dark appear in front of them. Anti goes behind Mark and Dark behind Jack. The two dark sides suddenly start moving in sync, draping their arms over the shoulders of the YouTubers, and put their faces in the crook of their necks. The dark sides lick up Mark's and Jack's necks to their ears, causing the two to tremble and shudder. The two of them look at each other and pale hearing the words Dark and Anti sing into their ears.

"It looks like you might be one of us"

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