Chapter Forty-One

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(Luca's Pov)

"Luca, are you feeling any better?" Ryan asked as he came into my room. I sat up and nodded. "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." I nodded and got up. He walked me to the dining room and I sat down next to Angie.

"Hey, Luca, how are you feeling?" she asked. I shrugged and put my head down.

"What's wrong?" Ayden asked. I sat up and shrugged again. I don't want to talk to them about my problems.

"Luca, your brother is here to drop off some clothes," Nyla said. I looked up and she told me to follow her. I felt myself start to get really nervous. Storm probably hates me after what I did.

"I'll take the clothes and sort though the ones he can have while you guys talk," Nyla said once we got to Storm.

"Hi, Luca," Storm said and gave me a small smile. I felt my eyes fill up with tears and I hugged him tightly.

"I-I'm so, s-s-so, s-so sorry! I-I don't h-hate y-y-you. I-I w-want to live w-with you. Y-You're th-the great-test parent e-ever. P-P-Please don't h-hate me," I cried. He hugged me tightly and I kept on crying.

"Luca, it's okay. I love you. Nothing you could ever say could make me hate you," Storm said.

"I-I'm stup-pid to th-think you g-gave u-up on me," I said, still crying.

"No you're not. You were in a bad state of mind. I've been there, too," he said.

"I-I wanna g-go h-h-home," I said.

"I know, but you'll be out soon. Just do whatever you have to do to get better. I know you can do it, Luca. A lot of people believe in you." I nodded even though I know it's not true. Storm is the only one who believes in me now. Riley and his friends hate me since I sent that stupid text message.

"O-Okay," I said.

"I'll see you later when it's visiting hours. I just came to give you some clothes. I love you," Storm said.

"I-I l-l-love you, t-too," I said and he smiled. Nyla gave Storm the clothes I'm not allowed to have and took him off the unit. Nyla then gave me the clothes I can have to put in my room. I changed into new boxers, some sweatpants, a cat t-shirt, and put on new socks.

"Luca, we're having group therapy," Ryan said, as I walked into the dining room. I nodded and sat down in a chair.

"How are you feeling?" Ayden asked.

"F-Fine," I lied.

"You do realize if you keep lying you'll never get out of here, right?" Zane said.

I sighed and said, "I-I feel h-h-horrib-ble."

"Like, suicidal?" Angie asked.

I shrugged even though I know I am. I don't want to live without Riley. He's my best friend and the love of my life. How am I supposed to go on when he's never going to talk to me again? Why did I send that stupid text message? Oh, wait, I'm a fuck up. I already established that. I sighed and put my head down again. Hopefully this group therapy goes fast.

(Riley's Pov)

"No, that's not possible. . . ." Chester said.

"I would show you the message, but I deleted him conversation," I said.

"Are you sure it was him who sent the message?" Joshua asked.

"Who else could it of been?" I asked.

"It just doesn't make sense. You said he was probably faking the whole time, but the night at the dance proves he has all the problems he says he does. He couldn't of faked that," Joshua said.

"I don't know! All I know is he dumped me for no reason! I hate him! I got freaking suspended for him!" I said.

"Don't say that, Riley," Joshua said.

"Why shouldn't I?! I just got my hear broken and you're defending him?!" I said.

"I'm not defending him. We need to talk to him," Joshua said.

"You can talk to him. I don't care. I don't want an explanation. I just want to forget about him," I said.

"We'll still see him in school, though," Chester said.

"I'll pretend he's not there. I don't want anything to do with him. I fought my own brother for him."

"Fine, let's just not talk about him anymore until I figure this out since you two won't help me," Joshua said.

"Fine," I said and we started talking about random things.

The weekend went by pretty fast. I'm in the process of doing my homework I forgot to do in Michael's car. Michael drove to my school and I got out. "Bye, Riley," he said and I waved. I told Kyla and Becky about Luca yesterday and they were pretty shocked.

"Riley! Are you okay? How are you feeling?" Kyla asked, as she ran up to me.

"I'm fine," I said.

"Okay," Kyla said. I could tell she didn't believe me. "Let's go to your locker." I walked with Kyla to my locker and saw all our friends there.

I got out my school stuff and said, "I better head to class. I'll see you guys at lunch." They all nodded and I smiled at they so they wouldn't worry about. I have first period with Luca. I'm hoping he doesn't talk to me at all or anything. I mean, why would he? He's the one who broke my heart.

"Riley, I need a favor," Mr, Jewels said once I walked in.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can you run this up to the office? It's for a student." I nodded and grabbed the work. I walked out of the classroom and started walking to the office. I looked at the work and saw it was about a week's worth. Huh, I wonder who it's for?

After giving the office the work, I walked back to class and Mr. Jewels gave me a worksheet. I did my work and after I finished, I started listening to some music. I then realized that Luca isn't here. Where is he? Is he skipping? I don't think he would skip. Wait, why do I care? I hate him. I'm glad he's not here. I put my earbuds back in and started listening to my music again.

(Fanart is by X_KPopBTSLOVER_X I love it so, so much!)
Okay, I know it's really short and is probably bad, but I'm going to work really hard on making the next chapter exciting. I have a question, though. Would you guys like more chapters of Luca in the hospital, or do you want me to skip a few days so Luca will be out soon? Anyways, thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! I love you all! <3*

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