Chapter 1 - Toothless and Flowey

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Hiccup can't feel his head.

He surely came from a nasty fall. But the flowers broke his fall and it was comfy.

Hiccup then, eyes glassy, turned to toothless. He sat up groggily then turned to his lazy dragon. He rubbed his eyes and faced the dragon with a mischeivious smirk.

He tickled Toothless, which snorted. "Wake up you overgrown lizard", He stated while laughing.

When both of them are fully awake, Hiccup just had to ask.
"Where are we?", He thought out loud. Then he noticed a big door. " Come on, Toothless!", he invited. Then he ran to the door, the dragon following behind.


Hiccup peeked through a side of the door. He really needed some material to fix toothless's tail. He saw a patch of grass.

He came across it. A flower popped up. Toothless growled.

"Oh, another human?", The flower thought aloud. " Well then, i'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower!!"

"Hi! I'm Hiccup and this is-", Hiccup introduced cheerfully but was cut of by another growl by Toothless. "..... Toothless....", He finished, uncertain.

" Oh Hi Hiccup and Toothless! Come! You must be exhausted! Let's meet Toriel!",Flowey invited. Hiccup followed with Toothless who seem protective.

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