Chapter 21 - Memories and Shattered Souls

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Everybody looked at Hiccup, and it was there.

His soul.

The infamous half-trait.

The DIVERGENT trait.

It was when you frequently felt two traits at once in a certain period of time and then both became your permanent trait.

It would make you very dangerous and powerful.

But Hiccup wouldn't care on any of that shiz. He just wanted his friends safe.

They noticed that the ruins entrance was locked. Huh. Funny.


It was locked from the OUTSIDE.

Rapunzel realized something as Hiccup scooped up Gaster into a hug.

The glow in Gaster's eyes....

"HICCUP! WATCH OUT!", Rapunzel yelled and Hiccup let go just in time to dodge a 7- feet armada of sharp bones and violet Gaster Blasters.

He tripped and faceplanted on the floor.

HP: 18\20

" Ugh...", Hiccup groaned and looked at the thing he tripped.

It was a stick branch.

He picked it up, then suddenly, a vision- no.

A memory came back and smacked him upside the head.


Seven year old Hiccup ran to Mount Ebott with a tear-stricken face.

He looked at a hole in the mountain sadly and he slightly chuckled.

"No one would miss me when I die", He murmured to himself. " They would probably even celebrate of my absense".

And with a deep breath, he jumped through.

Imagine falling into 700 feet into ground and landing in soft flowers. Yeah, SHOCKING.

He woke up and was startled when he found out he was still alive.

He breathed, turned around and caught face-to-face with Chara in ghost form.

She stayed behind though. So he went to a door then he tripped.

He grabbed the thing he tripped and found out that it's a stick branch.

He kept it for himself just to lift his spirits up in every fight with a monster.


He grabbed the stick and faced Gaster, his Green\Red SOUL glowing strong.


Hiccup made his arms open lengthwise and waited.

Gaster looked at him, but proceeded with his attacks.

A massacre of bones shot at him like a wall but he just patiently smiled at Gaster.

Everyone closed their eyes-

There was no impact.

They opened their eyes to see Gaster and Hiccup, both eyes closed, hugging each other.

"I-i can't do it....", Gaster whimpered.

The wall of bones broke down and everyone ran to the hugging pair.

Then, as Papyrus and Sans went in and was about to hug their father, a portal of black vortex sucked both Hiccup and Gaster.

Gaster closed his eyes sadly, knowing that it's the anti-void.

A strong vine grabbed him and threw him across the room. Sans grabbed him.

" Are you okay, dad?", He asked.

Gaster gasped. Hiccup managed to get himself out of the vortex and as the portal closes....

A discarded very sharp bone impaled him in the chest at the exact place where his heart is.

Everybody ran to him as the bone disappeared.

"No.....", Merida whimpered.

Toriel weeped. " I-i can't lose another child....."

A hand wrapped hers. Toriel looked at the dying figure of Hiccup's eyes. "It's...okay...."

Rapunzel and Chara buried their heads at Jack who sadly bowed his head.

"Guys, do me....a...favor...", Hiccup started. " Enjoy the future for me.....,please?"

They didn't got the chance to reply as his soul broke apart.

HP: 0\20


Sans and Papyrus cried, knowing there's nothing they can do.


Gaster grabbed Hiccup's body. He got a determined look in his face.

So, everybody followed him to Alphys' lab.

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