Chapter 20 - Sleepovers, Souls and W.D. Gaster Part 2

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"Jack, count to thirty", Chara taunted to break the tension while they waited for Hiccup.

Jack didn't seem to mind though.

" One, two, three, four, five....", Jack started with his hands. Merida rolled her eyes.

"COUNT TO 5!", Merida bursted.

" One, two, three...."


"One, two..."


Jack looked at his hands confusingly. Merida triumphed.


Everyone looked at her with disapproval and-

A Gaster Blaster blast of red and blue caught them off guard.

"W-what was that!?", Rapunzel asked.

Chara looked at Toriel who nudged a half-frozen in shock Merida.

Finally, she spoke up.

" Hiccup....", Merida murmured.

Everyone looked at each other, then....

"HICCUP!!", Everybody shouted, dashing to the ruins' entrance.


HP: 20\20
LV: 1


HP: Infinite
LV: Infinite

" Gaster....?", Hiccup murmured to himself.

*Gaster Attacks

A round of bones popped up, as well as some Gaster Blasters

Hiccup dodged, but one of the bones smacked him upside the head.

HP: 15\20

"Ow.....", Hiccup groaned. Gaster looked at him with DETERMINATION.


" Why are you doing this? What's your purpose?", Hiccup asked with immediate concern.

Gaster looked through him with urgent need, but he ignored him, much to Hiccup's dismay.

*Gaster Attacks

Now, a lot of BIG Gaster Blasters surrounded him. He tried to dodge them.

Note: Tried

Eventually, one hit him in his left arm and he stumbled, fell, landed with a thud and howled in pain.

HP: 10\20

He limply stood up. All of his friends, including Toriel went to him but Gaster prevented them with big bones that are hard to break but they can easily see through it.

They screamed his name. His vision got blurry and he knew he won't come out alive.

It really was crazy. The friends he met, the times he spent, the fun he had....

No, Hiccup thought while standing up. All his friends stared at him in amazement. I won't die now. I am  DETERMINED!

And for once in a timeline, he knows that is true.

Gaster continued on shooting him but he dodged with grace that everyone gaped at him in awe.

Then, with a ding-

Toriel gasped.

Merida hurled.

Jack got angry that he punched a bone and created a crack in it.

Gaster slammed him head-first on a wall that should've broke his neck.

Note: Should've

A little scraped, yes. But still very much alive, Hiccup heaved greatly.

HP: 20\20

"Wh- IMPOSSIBLE!", Gaster shouted. " It shouldve killed you! I shouldve gotten your soul!"

'So, that's why he's attacking Hiccup', Everyone thought bitterly.

Hiccup stood up and asked him sweetly with a straight face.

"What do you need?"

Gaster let go of the fight and just sat there, crying. "I j-just w-wanted to be with m-my c-children!"

Hiccup went near and comforted him.


There's something else.....

His soul...

It isn't Green.

It isn't Red.

It's both.

Chara noticed this.

"Guys! His SOUL!"

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