Chapter 5 - Chara and the Genocide Route

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Hiccup is now back to his hyper self.

Even though the nightmares are getting worse and worse, he isn't affected anymore. Why?

He developed a trait called faith.



He trusts his friends and he is determined that they won't betray him.

Now, what could go wrong?

Oh yeah.



"Temmiiii!!!!", Hiccup whined.

Temmi the cat ( I think he\she is a cat) drank Hiccup's milk whole. Sans is laughing his butt off.

Papyrus scolded him and Merida shoved her head to a bowl of cereal.

Just then, Toriel ran to the four friends. " RUUN! A Genocide Route has activated!!"

"What's a-", Hiccup asked but was cut off by a sweet and manipulating voice.

" Hiccup~♪"

Eyes now glassy, Hiccup walked slowly to the door but Papyrus grabbed his arm, which caused him to thrash around.

" Hiccup~♪"

"LET ME GO LET ME GO LET ME GO LET ME GO!!!!!!", Hiccup demanded.

Everyone was so shocked. They never saw this side of him before.

It was as if he was in a trance.

Actually, he is.


Outside Sans and Papyrus' house, a girl who is 15 years old with short brunnette hair, a green shirt and red eyes cast a spell on Hiccup.

She grinned maniacally.

" Hiccup~♪", she called.

She saw the spell was working because he walked to the door absent-mindedly but Papyrus grabbed him.

" Hiccup~♪", she called once more.

"LET ME GO LET ME GO LET ME GO LET ME GO!!!!!!", She heard Hiccup demand.

" Hiccup~♪", she called but this time the other monsters heard her.

She didn't mind. Her plan was working.


All the monsters including Merida heard it.

Someone was calling for their friend.

Hiccup managed to wiggle out of his vest and turned to the door-

Fortunately, Toothless grabbed Hiccup's sleeve and prevented him from opening the door.

So, Sans opened the door.

He gasped. "CHARA!!"

The girl giddily laughed and stretched her hand.

Hiccup got out of Toothless' grip and walked to Chara.

Sans blasted her with a ghaster blaster.

It caused the spell to break. Hiccup collapsed and Toriel grabbed him.

When he opened his eyes, they weren't glassy anymore.

Hiccup looked around. "H-how did we get here?", He asked but Toriel just hugged him, relieved.

" NO! You MONSTERS HAVE to RUIN EVERYTHING!!!", Chara hurled.

Hiccup walked slowly to her. Thinking that he's under the spell again, Toriel held him back.

But instead of thrashing around, Hiccup just looked at her with a pleading look.

Toriel gave a defeated sigh and released him.

Hiccup went to Chara and stretched out his hand.

"Instead of trying to destroy them or putting me under a spell or something, How about you join the fun?", He invited.

Chara pouted and accepted the offer with a red face. " Okay. But I'll KILL this bag of bones", Chara threatened gesturing to Sans with a sinister face.

Sans gave Hiccup a 'Don't you dare!', look. But he thought of a revenge to get back at making Temmi drink his milk.

"Good enough", He said with a gentle smile. Then he turned around with a smirk as Chara threw herself with a knife over Sans.

" KIIIDDD!!!!",Sans hurled

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