Chapter 18 - Jackunzel, Blueberry and Merida's Jealousy

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Everyone was fine now.

They also found out- and it's hard to believe- that Hiccup fell 3 years before Frisk, and he was seven then. Since she resetted him, she didn't made him to go to Mt. Ebott, but destiny always finds a way.

But at least he didn't fell down until he's 15, and the monsters were thankful of that.

Hiccup was going to make spaghetti with Undyne but......

He kinda, sorta.....

Found Jack and Rapunzel in the cupboard.

"WOAH!", He flinched. Jack sighed in relief. " Thank you, Hic!"

"Uhh.....", Hiccup trailed off. Undyne looked at the odd scene.

"Now to kill Merida- Rapunz-!!!", Jack ranted but was cut off when Rapunzel kissed him on the lips.

Jack blushed. Undyne snickered, taking a picture at the kissing couple and posted it in Undernet.

( Undernet is like internet to monsters )

Hiccup awkwardly backed off with the ingredients for the spaghetti, then ran off.

When he got to the kitchen, he saw Undyne laughing her butt off.

" This is really weird", Hiccup muttered in his breath.


"Hello everyone!", Error greeted with a skeleton that looked like papyrus, only shorter and cuter as he appeared out of the blue.

" AH!", Everyone flinched. Chara screamed then tripped and tumbled and bumped into Hiccup. That resulted in her on top of the auburn haired teen.

Everyone would have laughed.

If it weren't for Merida, whose expression had gotten murderous and her hair became on fire.

Everyone was dead silent as Hiccup tried to pull away from Chara's grip.

Merida ripped Chara away from him and got ready to blast her when she looked at Sans, Error and the Skeleton and without looking at the outfits....

"Am I seeing double?"

Nobody got the answer to that.

Merida dragged a squealing Chara to her room, probably to torture her.

"Woah, Jealous much?", Error chuckled. Hiccup, now standing, walked out and into Merida's room worriedly.

Realizing that he caused what just happened, Error muttered sheepishly.

" Oops"

The skeleton-Blueberry-sighed. Maybe introductions would be better later on.

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