Chapter 11 - Change is Strange (short chapter)

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Okay..........This is the worst thing that happened to Merida.

One, she just witnessed a disownment. It broke her heart and wanted to start all over again with her mom.


Well, It's.........bizzare.

The ground shook, which isn't good because it indicates nature which means that it meant to show Hiccup's feeling right at that moment.

Then, everyone was startled with his voice.

"A GOoD FathER NevER GiveS  Up on ThEir ChIlD...... WHicH MeAnS ThAt YoU'Re NoT A GoOd FaTHeR", Hiccup spoke.

And the strange thing was.....

It was glitchy and distorted.


She can figure this out.

Somehow. And all they had to do was to....

" RUN!",Rapunzel hurled and all of us took off with the insensitive father with Hiccup on our tails.

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