Saying GoodBye

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Chapter 37

                Oliver’s POV (the day of the kidnapping)

                I had just finished telling those that now didn’t have a pack which one they needed to go to. Everyone was one was now in deep discussion as they tried to find those from the pack they were in who were now going to the same pack as them. It would be hard for them. It would be hard for everyone but we could get through this.

                I was carefully making my way through the crowd answering any questions people had. They were worried about pack acceptance and moving to a totally new country. I answered questions as I walked through when I spotted Anna-Marie walking through with Jackson in her arms. I walked over to her smiling slightly.

                She smiled back at me as I kissed my child on the forehead.

                “Hey. Where’s Ellie?” I asked.

                “She went for a walk. She had a lot on her mind,” Anna-Marie replied.

                I nodded then. I suddenly felt weird. My wolf was on edge. What the hell was going on? He only ever gets like this if… oh crap. Something is wrong with Ellie. My eyes widened and Anna looked at me slightly worried.


                Hang in there Ellie. I am coming.

                 “Keep Jack with you at all times. Understand?” I ordered.

                She nodded at me. I charged towards the door calling for guards to follow me. I charged through the door at this point slamming them open with a bang. I quickly scanned the tree line and saw the groups of the rogues then. I saw one toss someone over their shoulder as they hung limply over their shoulder. I saw the light brown curls hang loosely down the rogues back. I caught the glimpse of the tiara that fell from her head.

                I was running then. I snarled letting my wolf take over. I was sprinting towards the tree line followed by the group of men that had come out with me. Everyone that was outside was running in side for safety. Scared mothers picked up their children. How the hell had rogues made it that far into our land? Ellie was near the tree line to the garden for goodness sake.

                The rogue holding Ellie’s limp body heard my growl and had turned to see me. I was taken aback. That was no rogue. That was Caleb. It was Killian’s son. I was going to kill him. Touching my mate. The rogues came in front of him then protecting him. Stupid rogues. I watched as Caleb turned and ran.

                I growled furiously then shifting mid step as I crashed into the first few rogues who hadn’t yet shifted. I tore them apart showing no ounce of mercy. My wolf was in control. He had one purpose. Get Ellie back. The guards shifted and we began fighting. This was slowing me down.

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