Chapter 2

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After riding the train for an hour or so with Garroth we had loaded up about... ten kids? I think that's right. Garroth had ended up reading me his book about Irene. A lot more interesting than I had expected. The train slowly jerked to a stop, and I stood up and stretched. "Finally, were going to get off this wretched thing."

"Wretched?" Garroth raised an eyebrow.

"I hate being on moving transportations. I'd rather walk."

"Wow. Okay," he laughed.

"Got a problem with it?" I teased.

"No! Not at all!" He picked up his book as we filed out of our boxes one by one. When we got off the train we were herded into a large auditorium place. We all sat down in the front row all ten of us. There was a small spot lights in the center of the stage. I looked around and saw guards, standing at the doors.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen." I turned back to the stage where a tall, thin man stood. He had similar features to Laurance... strange. "Welcome to our test. You will be split into groups of two, boy and girl. No, this is not a test to see if you'll fall in love. This is a test to see how long the human body can withstand physical momentum." There was a long silence.

"We will have individual groups train together, but after the first month we'll have all the group's together."

I stared at him, straying to figure him out. He looked so familiar, but yet seemed too far to know.

"We will be announcing groups, and the test begins tomorrow. Your partner, you eat together, live together, train together. Best hope you learn to like them over these two months. Katelyn and Jeffory. Aaron and Lily. Dante and Nicole. Lucinda and Zenix. Garroth and (Y/N)." I high fived Garroth and he smiled.

"Now the guards will escort you to your living quarters, and you can settle in." Garroth and I stood up, and we walked over to the exit where a guard lead us down a corridor, away from the others. He opened the door to a decent sized room with two twin sized beds on each side along with a small dresser. There was two other doors one that lead to what I assumed to be the bathroom, and the other was open and looked to be a kitchen.

"I'll leave you two to settle in," the guard said in a gruff voice, then left. Our bags were laying on our beds.

"So. Is it going to be awkward with us sleeping in the same room?" Garroth asked.

"I'll live. I used to share a room with, Laurance." I shrugged, smiling a bit, flopping onto the bed.

"Right." Garroth sat on the edge of his bed, still holding his book.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Not really, just a bit... nervous to see how this will role out."

"Hey. It'll be fine. I've done this before."

"What? Really?"

"No, but I went to school, and had tests. This can't be too much different." Garroth laughed, and shook his head. "Do you want me to make you something to eat?"

"Um, sure... will you teach me?"

"Teach you what?"

"How to cook."

"Uh, sure. Why not," I smiled. I lead him into the kitchen, and taught him how to make... sandwiches... oh my Irene... so intense.

"Well, if you told me you were going to make sandwiches I wouldn't have asked," Garroth laughed, taking a bit from his sandwich. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I'm sorry that I was feeling lazy!" I laughed.

"No! No! It's fine! It taste really good," he smiled.

"Why, thank you," I giggled. I brushed the crumbs off my hands. and onto the plate then took it to the sink. "So should we go to sleep or stay up?"

"I don't know, I'm kinda tired."

"Me too," I yawned. I walked out of the kitchen as he finished his sandwich, and opened the dresser was stock piled full of clothes. Mostly tank tops and shorts. I took a pair of fresh clothes and went into the bathroom to change, and when I came out Garroth was laying in bed in his boxers, sleeping. I rolled my eyes... boys. I turned off all the lights, and laid down, pulling the cover to my chin. They smelt like rosemary... Cadenza. I sighed.

"Something wrong?" I heard Garroth mumbled.

"I thought you were asleep."

"More or less," his voice seemed to crawl out of the darkness and comfort me. "So is something wrong?"

"Just miss my sister. I always seem to find something to remind me of her."

"You'll be okay. You get to see her in two months! Not that long."

"You're right. It could be worse. I could never see her again at the worst."

"Well I guess that's right."

"Goodnight Garroth."

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

I'm glad I met you Garroth Ro'Meave.

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