Chapter 8

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"Here," he took the leaf from my hand, and pulled the bandages off, with shaky hands he put the leaf over my cut.

I let out a small scream as a burning sensation run through my leg. I quickly pushed his hand off, and glared at him. "What? Did it not work?" He asked.

I checked and saw the wound closing up. "No. It worked." I sighed, feeling better.

"Here let me help you up," he grabbed my hands, and helped me stand. I was a little wobbly, but stood okay. "You okay?"

"Yes," I nodded. "We need to keep going tough. This is our second day here. We shouldn't stay here any longer."

"Okay, do you want to jump first?"

"I'll try." I nodded. I started running to the next tree, and jumped, landing swiftly on my feet. "Okay, Garroth!" I yelled.

He jumped across, and stumbled into me, but I caught him, and helped him stand, "Thanks," he laughed.

"Just learn how to walk you klutz?" I laughed.

"Geez, is that what I get for helping you climb, and cut that vine?"

"Oh, right, that was very helpful, but I'm the one who pulled you out of that hole. I could have left you if I wanted!" I yelled as I jumped to the next tree, landing in crouching position. The tree, swaying under me.

I stood up, and looked around. I saw a little clearing where there seemed to be a hole in the tree tops. I smiled to myself. "Hey Garro-" I crashed into the branch under me, laying flat in my stomach with what felt like thousands of pounds laying on my back.

"Sorry," Garroth mumbled.

"Would you mind getting off of me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"S-Sorry!!!" He yelled, jumping up quickly. I got up and brushed myself off.

"It's fine. Just please be a bit more careful?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. Okay." He nodded.

"Were almost out... at least I think so... wait... wait a minute. Boy do I feel dumb," I laughed.

"What?" Garroth asked.

"I don't know why I didn't see it before!!!"

"SEE WHAT!?" Garroth yelled.

"Were in a test!" I facepalmed, laughing more.

"Yeah, so?"

"They have boundries, and we're pretty high up. We have to be near the top of the arena or whatever we're in... right?"

"I... didn't think of that to be honest." He shook his head.

"Will you give me a boost?" I asked.

As I stood up on his shoulders, he grunted. "I didn't think you'd be this energetic if you were feeling better."

"Just winging it," I rubbed my hands together.

"So what do you plan on doing???"

"I might be able to shut down the magyks source, making it about ten times easier. If I can get into the ceiling of the building, normally the generator is about... I don't know. Fifteen feet above the Magyks itself. So if I could jump-"

"WOW!!! Hold up? I am not going to let you-"

"See ya!!!" I yelled, pushing myself off his shoulders, and reaching up for the sky. I felt my fingers graze something, and I quickly took hold of it, and pulled it down with me as I fell, I caught myself dangling from the hatch that lead up into the drafters. A cool breeze flew down from it, and I shivered.

To Remember Her (Garroth X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now