Chapter 14

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It's been four weeks, or a month if you please, since we've been here, and everyday is the same.

We get up, and go kill some people we come back, and I cry about it, and Garroth always tries to cheer me up. It kinda helps, but not exactly.

"(Y/N)!" Garroth yelled. I looked up.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"Were you even listening?"

"Sorry, I'm trying, but mind keeps wandering to the fact that we may have to kill the other kids today."

"It'll be fine. Believe me. They're not going to force us to murder each other-"

"You don't know that. You haven't talked face to face with the guy running this... HE'S CRAZY!!!"

"Calm... down," he rubbed my back. I sighed, nodding.


"It's okay." A familiar creak filled the room, the creak of the door opening. I bit my lip and stood up.

Warm streams fell down my face as I bit my lip harder. I felt something strong building up in my chest, and I'm pretty sure I didn't look stable.

I felt a hand slip into mine, intertwining our fingers. "You'll be alright. I promise," he whispered in my ear.

I let out the breath that up was holding in, and smiled a little, whipping away tears, putting on a fearless face. I felt him press his lips against my temple, and I grinned. His lips were soft, and it made me feel... safe.

I was suddenly ready to take on the world. I had no fears. At least that's what I told myself.

I wasn't going to let this test drive me crazy. Sure I was broken, maybe a little shattered, but that wasn't going to stop me, hold me back from doing what had to be done.

It's just another second. It's just another minute. Just another hour. Just another week. Just another month.

It's nothing I can't handle.

"You look a lot better." Garroth whispered as we walked down a corridor.

"I feel a lot better." I smiled.

"Good. Don't waste your strength."

"Don't plan on it." I felt so much energy coursing through me now. Nothing could stop us.

"You ready then?" He asked as we stopped in front of a large door.

"Hell yeah!" I laughed.

"Okay..." he looked a little suspicious, but shook it off. The man opened the door, and I dragged Garroth in as he closed the door behind us. I saw a few teams lined up next to us... only two other teams though... where are the others?

"Garroth weren't there two other teams?" He looked over at them, frowning.

"There were... maybe they're just not here yet." He shrugged.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" I heard a loud voice come from the ceiling.

"Or maybe they failed." I mumbled.

"This is a... RUNNING TEST!!! Whatever team gets to the end first will get two days off of physical action! Best of luck!" That voice...

"(Y/N)!" Garroth yelled. I snapped up, and noticed the other already running. I grinned.

"Garroth don't let go of my hand until I say so!" I yelled, and started running as fast as I could, Garroth trying to keep up.

I pushed, harder, and harder. Passing both groups soon enough. And as soon as we stepped foot on the bridge I flung my hand behind me, and a wall of water disconnected Garroth and I from the other groups.

"You can let go now!" I panted. His hand left mine and we started running down the path faster.

"Where are we going!?" Garroth yelled.

"To the end!"

"Why does it matter if we win anyways!? They're not going to actually keep their word!" He yelled louder, and more angrily. I shook my head.

"I know! I just... I can't loose to those bozos!" I heard a laugh ring through the air. It was a sweet laughed, and it made me smiled. I looked over, and Garroth, who stared right back at me with a smile.

"Okay, if you want to win so badly give them a piece of your mind!" He grinned. We both stopped running, and I pushed the wall of water right over the other teams, with enough force to knock them off their feet.

I spun around on my heels, and we kept running. Soon we were running under a tree roofed path.

I started knocking down branches into the path, and Garroth kept laughing. I shook my head, smiling.

"You're a genius!" He laughed.

"I know. You don't have to tell me!" I laughed harder.

"Look!" He grinned, pointing ahead of us. I looked up and saw a gazebo with tape across the front that said 'finish'.

"Really!? That's too easy!" I yelled. As we neared I felt a strange presence. Garroth sprinted ahead, but I stopped. Looking around I immediately knew what was going to happen. "Garroth, wait!" I screamed.

Four figures, two resembling Cadenza and Laurance, and the other two I had to assume were Garroth's brothers, Vylad and Zane, they jumped out of the ground, all holding blood red swords.

I sprinted over to Garroth, and we stood back to back. I was against the two boys. Zane and Vylad. And Garroth was against my two siblings.

I drew my sword. "Garroth?"

"Now!" He screamed. I charged, and easily stabbed the one with black hair in the heart. I heard a piercing scream erupt from his lips, and another from where Garroth was. I faced the other boy with brown hair I let out a heavy breath. I went to stab him, but he deflected me, and I backflipped away.

He cocked his head sideways. I charged, but as he expected me to stab at him again, I changed my mind, and flipped over his head, spinning around, swinging blindly, and I heard an awful sound, the cracking of bone.

I watched as his head rolled off his body. I heard another scream... but this time it was mine. I let out heavy breaths. There was blood splattered on my hand.

I screamed again, feeling angry tears run down my cheeks. I felt dizzy, and I toppled over. I heard heavy breathing, and someone picked me up.

Then everything went black.

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