Chapter 11

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"So, you do know who I am?" He smiled.

"No, actually, I don't. I just know you're the man who helped give birth to me, and my brother, and then left us in the forest for the animals," I smiled. The guard slammed my head against the wall.

"Wrong. I'm your father, and I'm glad to see you."

"Just a question... why are you here?" I asked, spitting on the ground a pinkish colored liquid.

"Remember. I'm running this whole thing."

"Well, you're one sick little bastard!" I screamed, trying to run at him, but got slammed back into the wall.

"So, you're good with a bow?" He smiled.

"Yes, would you like a demonstration?" I snarled.

"No, I've seen how good you are. Who taught you?"


"How's Laurance?"

"How do you know his name!?"

"How would I not? I named you guys." He smiled again.

"Just let me go back to my room," I hung my head.

"So you can manipulate your partner?"

"What in Irene are you talking about!?" I hissed.

"I know you two are sleeping with each other."


"Calm down, I know."

"I didn't ask him to, aside from the first time, he just kept doing it. So it's not on me!" I yelled.

"You know you should eat. You need your energy," he patted my cheek, and bit his finger, angrily. He pulled back. "Ow! That's enough. Take her back!" He snapped.

"You're a sick bastered! Irene won't have mercy on you! You freaking lied to everyone!!!" I screamed.

The guards dragged me back to my room, tossing me on the floor, and slamming the door shut. I sat up, and whipped my bloody mouth. Garroth knelt down next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Bloody great," I rolled my eyes.

"What happened?"

"I meet my bastard of a father," I grumbled standing up.

"What!? Really!?" He asked standing up too. I nodded, and walked into the bathroom, spitting more blood and a tooth into the sink.

"He doesn't like people with snappy attitudes apparently," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure it runs in the family," he snickered. I turned around, and glared at him. He cleared his throat. "That was a, uh, joke."

"Sure," I rolled my eyes again, and rinsed my mouth out with water. "You know you're not making this any better... right?"

"I made you food."

"Okay, you're making this a lot better," I smiled running into the kitchen. I also took notice that the two beds were now on the same side of the room, pushed together and the other dresser was moved next to mine.

When Garroth walked in I bit my lip. "What's with the new arrangement?"

"Well, your twin size bed is a little small don't you think?" He scratched his neck, handing me a warm sandwich. I took it, and shoveled it down.

"Yeah... it was kind of small. You know they know that we're in the kitchen right now... right, and they watched you move those beds too."

"What?" He choked on his food. I grabbed another one nodding.

"Yeah, he confessed a few things." I took another bite, and Garroth started to laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Two?" He asks.

"You can't judge until you haven't eaten anything in like. Three days!" I snapped. Taking another bite. "These are really good bye the way!" I yelled.

"Why are you yelling?" He asked.

"Because it's so gooooooood!!!" I smiled dreamily.

"Okay!" He laughed harder.

"How do you think everyone else is doing so far?" I asked. He stopped laughing and shrugged.

"Dead compared to how we're doing," he smirked.

"Yeah, I totally saved your butt like five times!" I smiled.

"No you haven't!" He waved me off.

"Uh, huh! The wolves, the magyks trees, the lava... never mind I've only saved you three times. BUT THE WOLVES... the wolves count as extra points because I killed most of them."

"Yeah, well, I had the werewolves... the plant... um... at night when you can't sleep, I also carry you a lot." He shrugged.

"I'm sorry that I'm accident prone!"

"You are!?" He choked.

"Yes, yes I am. I have been my entire life. Why do you think I use a long range weapon?" I rolled my eyes.

"Geez, I just thought you liked shoot people because it wasn't as much blood." I bit my lip at him comment.

"I'm going to go take a shower," I mumbled.

"Okay." He nodded, looking a little regretful.

I walked into the shower, and turned it on, letting the hot water pour down my skin. Sure it felt like I was on fire, but... that doesn't matter.

I rubbed my hands against my skin, washing away the wolf blood, which was exceedingly thick. I watched it go down the drain a sickening pink color. I got out, and dressed then laid down on the bed.

Right now I just wanted to sleep. I closed my eyes and shortly after I heard the water running.

I fell asleep while Garroth was in the shower. But not exactly, you can't exactly sleep when haunting images of giant wolves. and demented humans haunt you.

I sat up, throwing my head in all directions. I heard the door to the bathroom open, and in the doorway was Garroth. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"F-Fine," I lied. I sure he could tell though, because he just shook his head, and laid next to me.

"You're gonna be okay." He reassured me. I nodded, and laid down, curling up against him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Can you tell me about your mom?" I whispered.

"Why?" He whispered back.

"Because she sounded like a great person on the train," I muttered.

"Sure. My mom, she was one of the nicest people in O'Kahsis. She loved the city, and it's people, and she loved to bake and read stories. Like most moms. What about you?"

"I hardly knew about my mom, but I know my dad is a bastard."

"I guess we both know what that feels like." He chuckled.

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