Chapter 18 (Final!)

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I felt my cooling body being pulled into the arms of someone very familiar. Garroth.

I blinked to clear the blurriness from my eyes. I stared into his mesmerizing blue eyes. I could see tears in his irises.

My breaths were slowly shortening. "G-Garroth." I started, finding my voice.

"Don't... I know what you're going to say."

"I'm not going to say it's okay. You and I both know it's not okay." I nodded. "I just want you to know you're going to leave here alive."

"Is there some way I could... take your pain?" I shook my head smiling sadly.

"It doesn't hurt... look... Garroth I love you with all my heart, you were my first love, and I never want you to forget me. If you see my brother ever tell him I'm s-sorry." I felt my breaths shortening even more.

"How do you know I'll see him?"

"It's a small world Garroth, plus there are stops before yours," I found my vision leaving. I kissed him gently. "I love you Garroth Ro'Meave."


Garroth's P.O.V.

I stared silently at her dead body, still in my arms. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I hugged her body tightly to mine.

Her cold skin felt so unnatural. I laid her down, and ripped off part of my shirt and wrapped up the wound so I wouldn't have to see it, then slid my jacket over her shoulders, and zipped it up.

Her startling (E/C) eyes still open. I slowly closed them with shaky hands.

She didn't deserve to die. I stared at her. Now peacefully resting in a battlefield where she fought. She shouldn't have been picked for this. She was something special, not made to fight, but she found a way.

The guards had to drag me away from her body, and I was brought back to our living space. I sat on the bed staring into my blood stained hands.

All the thoughts of why this had happened ran through my head. Images of her smile flashed through my head, her weakness, her strength, her heart. I felt so angry all of a sudden, but all I could do was clench my fists.

"Garroth." I looked up to see a man, the one who'd assigned us to our groups.

"What?" I growled.

"Since you have made it through the end we shall reward you with any choice weapon you'd like."

I thought angrily about her flashing back to the first week.

"I like a soft ocean blue... kinda like your eyes," she laughed.

That was one of the few times I heard the sweet ring. "I'd like an ocean blue sword if you will," I grunted.

"May I ask why?"

To remember her. I thought.

"No." I growled.

Three hours later I was back on that train in the same car we met in. The sword was laying across the other seat. I stared out the window watching the trees escape my view, and open to a stop. I saw a boy with light brown hair and a girl with fire red hair. A man stood behind them looking different from both.

They looked oddly familiar like I fought them before. Then my eyes widened in realization. I grabbed my things quickly trying to get off the train, but it lurched to a start, and I fell to the floor. I quickly stood up, and looked back out the window, and saw the boy with clenched fist, and the girl crying into the older man's shoulder.

Cadenza was the girl, Laurance was the boy, and Hayden was the older man... (Y/N)'s family. The thought of her in general made my heart ache. I stared at the sword.

Created by the man who'd killed her.

It was quite a bitter though. I played with my hands until the car door opened,mand a boy with electric blue hair stuck his head in. "Hey, are you okay?"

I stared silently down.

"Is your partner ignoring you too?" I glanced up at him angrily.

"She's dead," I growled. His eyes widened a bit, and his cheeks turned red.

"Uh... geez, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I mumbled, tossing it aside.

"Uh, okay," he closed the car door, and walked off. I pulled out the book I brought. I remember how shy I had acted to her, and how she'd seemed so delicate and smart.

I guess I had always liked her. The way I comforted her when she had nightmares about those dead ones about killing her own brother.

It was like they were targeting her. I sighed, and started to read, trying to keep my mind of her. Yet no matter how hard I tried she just kept coming back to mind.

I heard a loud screeching, and Katelyn tapped on my car door. I looked up, and nodded I grabbed my things, and we got off. The only person to show up for my arrival was my mother. I smiled sadly at her.

"Hi, mom."

"Hello Garroth... how was it?" She smiled. I tried to hold it back, but I dragged her home quickly to tell her. I brought her to my room, and threw my luggage on my bed before sitting down and explaining everything to her.

"I'm guessing that means you don't want to get married now. Does it?"

"No," I shook my head. She handed me a small bottle. "What is it?"

"An illusion potion. Use it to fake your death. I don't want you to get married after that. There's a village named Phoenix Drop. When you get there tell the lord, 'Zianna sent me'. Okay?"

I nodded. She picked up my sword, smiling a little. "This is a nice color you picked, matches your eyes."

I looked down, and let out a shaky breath. "It was her favorite color." She frowned, and got up to leave.

"Think about it," she said from the doorway before leaving.

I stared at the bottle in my hand intently.

I'm never going to do something that would hurt her. Even if she is gone.

I clutched the bottle tightly, knowing what to do.

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