Chalter 10

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I woke up feeling stiff as ever, but I managed to sit. "Hey you look awful." Garroth laughed. I glared at him.

"You don't look to good either." I snapped. He had blood covered his blonde hair, and on his face along with several cuts, and scratches.

Otherwise he looks... happy?

"Yeah, sure," he rolled his eyes. I struggled to stand up.

"W-Where are we?" I asked, feeling like my lungs were caving in. I coughed, and fell back down, taking in deep breaths. I laid down, and stared at the black sky. "Why's the sky black?"

"Are you okay?" Garroth asked.

"Fine, just need to control my breath," I closed my eyes.

After a while a sat up again. "Ready to get back?" Garroth asked, tossing me a bow. I caught it, and nodded.

"Sure." I grabbed the quiver full of arrows, and looked at Garroth. "You retrieved them... all of them? Why?"

"You're good with a bow. I thought you'd like to use the bow over a sword. Less blood." He said standing up.

"Th-Thank you." I nodded.

"It's not a big deal." He shrugged, adjusting his sword. I slung the quiver over my shoulder. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, but where are we?" I laughed.

"Um, I don't know. I just found this place and we needed to stay here."

"Did you find the exit yet?"

"No." He frowned.

"Well, that's fine. It's around here."

"How do you know that?" Garroth asked.

"Um, I can feel it. Just kind of." I mumbled.

"What?" Garroth laughed.

"Uh... I was... kidding." I mumbled.

"Okay, then, well, let's go, lead the way Mrs. I-can-feel-it." He joked. I nodded, and we jumped down from the tower that just happened to be on the outskirts of the forest we were by.

"Kind of strange that this is just... here. Right?"

"Eh, we should just get used to it." He laughed.

"Fair enough." I shrugged.

"So where's this exit?" He asked.

"This way. Follow me," I said dragging him behind me towards the North. "It's around here. I know it."

"How do you know it?" He asked.

"I already told you. I-I just know. It's as simple as that." Off in the distance I saw a large door. I pointed laughing. "SEE!!! WHAT DID I TELL YOU!?!?!?!?"

"C'mon. Let's just get out of here. Now," he shook his head, smiling. We took off running towards the door.

I don't know what happened next, but my ears were ringing, my body was stiff, and my throat was sore from screaming.

Pain shot through me, and I could barely hear Garroth grunting a few feet away from me. I tried to move, but I couldn't feel anything.

"Garroth?" I croaked.

"It's okay!" He yelled. I felt something, but it was heavy and painful on my back. I grunted.

"What's going on?"

"Long time no see sis." I know that voice.

I felt tears stream down my cheeks. "Laurance?"

"Pretty damn close," the voice laughed, pushing harder on my back.

I screamed out in pain. I felt myself react quickly, and push him off me, pinning him to the ground under me.

He looked just like Laurance, but his eyes... they were different. Red, red as all the blood I've seen, yet black as the souls of every person who worked here.

"You're not my brother, not even close," I snarled. I reached for my knife, but remembered I lost it back when I was fighting the strange creature. And it was almost as if he knew that.

"Missing something?" I felt him move, and I almost knew what he was doing. I grabbed his wrist, and pushed it down on his gut. I moved myself off of him, and watched blood spill out of him, with a sharp blade sticking out of his gut.

"You don't know anything." I snarled, pulling my knife out of his gut. I looked over at Garroth, and he smiled at me, standing up slowly. "What are you smiling at?" I glanced down.

"You seem to be getting better."

"At what?" I looked up, confused.

"You just took down that guy without taking your eyes off his face. That's pretty good!" He smiled. I choked a little.

"Um, yeah." I glanced back at "Laurance". I felt and arm wrap around my waist, making me perk up a bit.

"You know him or something?"

"Uh... kind of... he just kinda looks like my... my brother," I felt tears run down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey, you're fine. That's not really him. Is it?" He whispered.

"His eyes... they're too... dark, and empty." I looked away. "Let's just get out of here already," I snapped, limping towards the door.

I pulled it open, and stormed through as best as I could with an injured leg. A few guards came, and grabbed my arms. "Hey!" I yelled.

"What going on!? Let her go!?" Garroth yelled, trying to get to me, but a few guards restrained him from getting to me.

"GARROTH!!!" I screamed. They dragged me towards our room. I watched as the door drew closer, and when we reached the door they kept walking.

"Stop! Where are you taking her!?" Garroth yelled as they dragged him into the room, shoving him in and locking the door. I struggled against the guards.

"Let me go!" I yelled. They let go and flew into the walls, but got back up, and restrained me again. I shook my head as they pulled me more violently down the halls. They opened a door shoving me on the floor. I got up, and tried to lunge towards them, but they closed the door quickly. I felt someone pull me to my feet, by my hair, slamming me into the wall.

I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. I felt warm liquid pour from my nose. I cringed, and tried to make myself shrink.

"Well, this isn't exactly the way I'd have liked to meet my daughter."

"Dad?" I shrieked.

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