Chapter 4

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I woke up in Garroth's arms. I felt tears streaming from my eyes. I squirmed out of his arms, and sat up. I stared at the ceiling and inwardly sighed. Today we'd be killing more people, that is what my bet is. I felt Garroth sit up next to me. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Better I guess," I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "What's your favorite color?"

"What?" He asked.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Uh, (E/C). Like your eyes." I nodded. I felt like this test was becoming more of a scheme. "What about you?"

"I like a soft ocean blue... kinda like your eyes," I laughed.

"Oh... how do you think you're gonna do today?" I shrugged, and threw the covers off myself and stood up.

"I'm gonna make something to eat, want anything?"

"Sure," I nodded and walked into the kitchen, and made (Breakfast Food). I sat down and started to eat, a minute later Garroth came in with a new set of clothes on, and he sat down and ate with me, silence filled the room, and it was consuming me. I looked down at my plate, not finishing my food. I took the plate and threw it in the sink. I left the kitchen, and changed then sat on the bed, lacing up my black boots. Then braided my hair. I noticed there was a small silver dagger by my sword. I picked it up, staring at it. I felt a sudden surge of panic run through me as I looked at my reflection. I dropped the dagger with tears running down my cheeks. "Something wrong?" I covered my mouth.

"We're going to be killing again," I whispered.

"I know," he frowned. He wrapped his arms around me. I turned and cried into his chest.

"I don't want to hurt anyone!"

"I know, it's okay... we can get through this," he whispered. I nodded and pushed away. I slid the dagger into my (Right/Left) boot, and hooked my sword to my belt. I looked over at Garroth as he did the same.

"What do you think the daggers are for?"

"They're silver," he whispered. I gasped and cover my mouth again. No. The door opened and a different guard from yesterday walked in.

"See you two slept in late. Come along." He nodded him head. Garroth and I followed him to a door, he opened it and pushed us in then locked it behind us. The room was almost exotic. With enormous trees taller than I could see, and so many that it looked like it would be hard to navigate through here. I quickly grabbed Garroth's hand, tightly.

"I don't like this," I whispered, tears still streaking my face.

"Me neither," he sighed. We heard a loud growl from inside the forest. I jumped a little. The growled echoed and seemed to keep bouncing its way back to us. I inched closer to him, not wanting to leave his side. I could hear leaves rustling around us. I swallowed hard, everything seemed to be going in slow motion. My hand hovered over the boot with the dagger in it. I watched my surroundings carefully. Then heard the heavy breathing behind me. I quickly yanked the dagger from my boot, and stabbed the werewolf in the chest. He fell, and seemed to be dead. I kicked him lightly with my foot, and he reached up with his claws, and quickly scratched me. I yelled out in pain as blood began to drip down my leg.

I moved to push the dagger deeper into its chest listening to the awful howls of pain. I kept pushing until the stopped. I pulled the dagger out of his chest, breathing heavily. "I'm sorry." I stood up, wincing at the pain in my leg. I started to fall to the ground, but two strong arms caught me. "Garroth."

Several more loud howls rung through the air. He hoisted me over his shoulder. "Just hang on." He instructed. I gripped his shirt tightly as he took off running straight into the trees. I was bouncing up and down, causing more pain in my leg, I had to clench my jaw to keep from screaming.

We abruptly stopped, and Garroth sat me down. We were in a small cave and he drew his sword and stood in a fighting stance. "Garroth what are you-"

He cut me off by screaming, causing more howls. I covered my ears at the sickening sound. "GARROTH STOP!" I screamed.

More howls I could hear running footsteps, and the howls came closer until they stopped, and the sound of steady breathing filled the air.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I had been holding. "Garroth?"

"(Y/N). Don't move." He instructed. I wasn't going to argue. Moving hurt like hell. Soon enough the cave was full of werewolves and Garroth was standing over me protectively. Slowly, one by one they started to pounce, and he killed them one by one, getting hit with their claws occasionally, but ignoring the pain.

Blood had splashed onto me, drying into my hair, and on my skin making me feel sick. I couldn't handle this. It was only the second day. I closed my eyes and breathed. I was starting to feel light headed and dizzy. I watched blurring as Garroth killed off the last of the werewolves. He walked over to me, breathing heavily and helped me up. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"For now," he laughed. We walked out of the cave where the trees seemed to be swaying now. I stared at them as everything was turning black. I seemed to have been hallucinating, because it looked like they were swinging down on us, playing wack a mole. I would occasionally try to dodge the branches as we tried to reach the door. How long had we been here? I wanted to go home. I'd write a letter to Laurance soon, maybe just maybe something might change, that's all I could hope before I passed out.

To Remember Her (Garroth X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें