Chapter 16

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I suddenly realized we were... kissing. I freaked out a bit. I'd never kissed anyone before. I pulled away, and stood up quickly. I could still feel his warm lips against mine.

"Oh my Irene, I am so sorry!" He stood up, backing away. I spun around looking at him.

"Don't be sorry!" I waved my hands around. "I... I-"


"I enjoyed it!" I sighed.

"Then why'd you pull away?"

"Well, that could have been for many reasons! One, first kiss. Two, it surprised me. Three, I don't want to get too attached to someone, just to end up losing them!"

He looked a little surprised. "Which one is it?"

"All three," I walked towards him, and pressed my lips to his, bunching up the front of his shirt in my fist. I pulled away, staring into his eyes.

"I may have only known you for a month, but I can't just stop feeling the way I do."

"How do you feel?" He asked, his eyes having a little glimmer in them.

"I think I love you," I bit my lip, "and I'm sure we'll both get out of this alive."

"Do you really think so?"

"I really know so," I hugged him. He hugged my back, holding me tight to his chest.

"We're going to make it out alive." He whispered.

"What if we don't though?" I questioned suddenly doubting everything.

"Don't think that way." He pulled back, sitting us both down.


"I am never going to leave you. This may only be a temporary thing, but I'm going to enjoy it, even if we are tortured every day. As long as I'm with you."

I smiled, but a thought came back to my head from the first day we talked.

"We can't," I frowned.


"You're supposed to get married. You should know that, remember. There's another girl waiting for you, for when you get back home."

"Yeah, but I don't want that life." His fist tightened.

"It's not always about what we want these days is it?" I laughed.

"No, it's not." He sighed. "...But just because I'm supposed to get married in a month doesn't mean I can't live the way I want now." He grinned to himself.

I furrowed my eyebrows together, fiddling my fingers nervously.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you... want to try something?" He looked up at me. I felt my heart skip a beat.

"You mean-"

"Yes." He nodded, excitement, daringness shone brightly through his eyes. I bit my lip. Letting the idea sink in.

I felt a little sick to my stomach, but swallowed the feeling down before nodding.

Oh Irene, what did I just get myself into???

When I woke up I was only covered by a sheet, and Garroth was lying next to me. I stood up, throwing some clothes on before walking to the bathroom to comb out my hair for the first time in forever.

I felt pretty good considering the little amount of pain that lingered. I heard the springs of the bed move. Indicating that Garroth was awake. I smiled to myself before walking out of the bathroom.

He was putting on a shirt, and buckling his sword to his belt. I bit my lip as I swayed over to him. "Morning," I chirped. He turned, and smiled at me.

"Morning." He pulled on his boots. I sat down on the bed so I could lace up my own boots. I leaned back a bit when I was done. I caught Garroth's glance, and smiled to myself, looking down at the floor.

He walked over to me, and moved my head slowly, pulling me into a kiss. I pressed back harder, smiling.

I loved him, and I was never going to let go. He pulled away. "What's your greatest fear?" He asked.

"Killing. What about you?" I asked, moving my shoulder.

"Losing you," he pulled me into another kiss. I pulled away.

"You're never going to lose me." I stared into his ocean like eyes.

"Don't be going around saying that to everyone you meet," he frowned.

"Trust me. I don't." I smiled. "I could make it official if you'd like."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I could preform a ritual sort of thing." I said, standing up, grabbing a few candles from my bag, which I haven't opened since I packed it. I started to place them in a circle. The grabbed a piece of chalk and started to draw on the floorboards.

"Are you really serious!?"

"Dead serious," I replied, continuing my drawings. I finished then lit my hand on fire. Causing Garroth to jump back. I looked at him. "This is kinda normal, just so you know," I smiled awkwardly then started lighting all fifteen candles. "Okay. Garroth you ready?"

"Uh... I guess." He walked over to me.

"We need to stand in the middle, okay?" He nodded, and we both stepped into the circle. "Okay, now all we have to do is make contact with a powerful being, and ask that they well... cast a binding spell."

"Sounds... easy, I guess." He shrugged.

"Okay. Close your eyes, and just try, and feel something unusual in the room." He nodded, and we both closed our eyes. I turned my head around for a few seconds before feeling a strong pull. I grabbed Garroth's hand. "I found one. Just let me talk to them."

"Sounds good." He whispered.

"Oh, powerful one I wish for thy to grant a spell upon us."

"You have summoned me, and I shall fulfill thy request."

"Please place a binding spell so that if one of the two is to fall to eternal sleep, thy other shall not suffer."

"Very well."

I heard ancient transcripts being chanted then a warm feeling washed over me, causing me to shiver a bit.

"It is done. Live your lives in peace."

Then the presence was gone. I smiled, opening my eyes. All the candles were burnt out, and the chalk had disappeared. I looked at Garroth. "Now if one of us is to pass then the other can't be left renderless forever." I squeezed his hand tightly.

"I'm glad," he smiled, kissing my forehead.

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