Chapter 12

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I felt a cold draft of air crawl over me, causing me to sit up. I looked around the room, and couldn't see anything. It was pitch black. I could feel the drop next to me. So Garroth was still there.

I peeked over the edge of the bed, and saw a cut out in the floor, dragging all the way around the bed. Like an abyss. I leaned a little further to see if I could see something.

I heard a small thunk, like a rock came loose and fell to the bottom. I felt Garroth stir next to me, I moved closer to him and started to shake his shoulders.

"Garroth. Garroth wake up," I hissed. He groaned, and sat up.

"What's wrong?" He makes, rubbing his eyes.

"This isn't a dream right!?"

"What?" He opened his eyes wider. "I can barely see you."

"Can you see at all?"

"Not really why? What's going on? Why's it so dark?"

"I'm not sure. I'd say this is a dream, but you're too strangely... aware, just like me.

"This isn't a dream." A voice echoed around us, bouncing of the walls like a rubber ball. "This is part of the test. Figure out why."


"(Y/N) what are you doing?" Garroth asked, grabbing my wrist. "Don't jump."

"Garroth. I've known you for a week. And well... frankly I can't see why'd you care. So if I want to jump, then it shouldn't bother you too much." I grumbled.

"No! Don't! Stay here with me!" He stood up next to me, and pulled my into a hug.

"Garroth what are you doing, let go!" I tried to push him off me, but he wouldn't budge, he had a tight, and steady grip. I yanked away quickly, losing balance.

My foot slipped, and next thing I know I'm tumbling into the darkness. The air flying up around me. And the lower I went the harder it was to breath.

I've been falling for a while now... and don't think this is going to stop anytime soon.

I felt solid rock hit my back as I let out an ear piercing scream as a cracking noise erupted from my back.

Guess I was wrong.

"(Y/N)!?" I heard the faint voice from above. I let out a huff, and tears clouded my vision. I managed to roll over onto my stomach, and place my face on the stone.

It was damp and cold, the air was thick and dense, making it hard to breath. I choked on every breath almost as if the air was clouded with smoke.

A few minutes later of me laying there I heard a thud next to me, and a small grunt. "Garroth?" I managed to get out.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

"Uh... no," I grunted as I tried to sit up.

"Then don't move." I instructed. "Just tell me how you feel so I can follow your voice."

"Well... I can't breath very good... the air feels like it's full of smoke," I let out a few cough, "I can't move. My torso feels like it's been split into a million pieces."

"Okay, I think I see you." I felt a cold hand wrap around my wrist, and pull me to my feet with me crying out in pain. "Can you walk?"

"I..." I tried to take a step a collapsed back onto him. "Not really."

"Okay, let me help you." He hoisted my limp body onto his back, and started to walk.

"Where are we even going?" I whispered.

"Anywhere that'll get us out of here."

"Great... you don't mind if I rest my eyes right?"

"As long as you don't drool," he chuckled. I rolled my eyes, and rested my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes.

I woke up strapped to a table, my head even. There were tubes strapped to me, pumping strange liquids into my arms. I tried to pull up on the restraints, but that's wasn't helpful.

I was also gagged, so that didn't help. There were also a bunch of these little hooks attached to my head.

I looked around frantically seeing as much as my vision would let me. To my right I saw Garroth, also strapped to a table, with tubes, and such. I used my shoulder to remove the fabric in my mouth.

"GARROTH!" I screamed, shaking around making the table clatter a bunch.

He seemed to stir a little bit, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"GARROTH WAKE UP IT'S A TE-st!!!" I screamed louder, my voice cracking. He moved around a little more quicker.

"GARROTH!!!" I screamed angrily, moving the table even more, causing one of the restraints to come lose around my wrist.

I moved my hand more and more until the rope came undone. I quickly started to untie myself, and yanking off tubes and cords. Tossing them aside, and sitting up on the table and jumping off.

I ran over to Garroth, and started to untie him. He jolted away as soon as I finished his head strap. "What? What's going on?"

"I'm not sure, but it's part of the test. I woke up in here as soon as I fell asleep in the virtual reality." I explained, removing some of the hooks from his head, the moving down to untie his wrist.

When he was free I helped him to his feet, and we grabbed a bunch of things in the room to use as weapons, like knives and scissors, before running out.

When we ran out of the room there was no one there, but we were in a familiar hallway. "I think I know where our room is."

"Okay. Well, lead on," he said waving his knife around. I started walking to the left and soon enough, there is was our room. We ran inside, slamming the door shut, and locking it. I sunk to the floor, feeling tired as ever. Garroth picked me up, and carried me to the bed.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"No problem," he smiled. "After all, were the only allies each other has right?"

"Right." I nodded.

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